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Grayson: I'll probably be there in like a month. My brother and I are visiting family over there.

Me: that's good. That way I'll have enough time to prepare myself.

Grayson: hey, I'm not that scary

Me: haha no. It's just, you are the best thing in my life right now and I just don't want to fuck this up

Grayson: trust me. You are not the one that's gonna fuck this up

Me: what's that supposed to mean?

Grayson: nothing, don't worry about it. But anyways tell me about your family. Are they nice??

Me: well it's not hard to be nicer than my biological family

Grayson: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. Are you alright?

Me: No, its my fault. I should talk to people about it. Don't just keep it all bottled up. That's what my psychiatrist said.

Grayson: you don't have to.

Me: but I should.

remember how I said my parents didn't want me? Well they were only teenagers when that had me. My mom only 16. They grew up in a very religious town and when their parents found out, they kicked them out. They quit high-school for me and tried to raise me.

But they were kids. They didn't know how to care for a child. The only reason they were still together was because of me.

When I must have been around 3 they started fighting. My dad had been out to much and my mom didn't trust him anymore. When I was about 5 they fought every night. And thats when it started. My dad came home drunk from a party and they had another fight. He got violent towards her.

It got worse and worse over the years and when I was 10 and realized what he was doing, I tried to protect her. I tried to get him to stop.

He didn't stop. Instead I was now his punching bag. Day after day he would let his anger out on me. And I didn't say anything. I said nothing because little by little my parents fell back in love. Or at least they didn't fight anymore.

When I was about 13 my mom started hitting me too. She came home drunk, and started hitting me. Sluring that my dad wouldn't love her anymore. How he had gone with a different girl.

I didn't say anything. Because as long as they weren't fighting I was happy.

It went on like that. Both of them started hating each other. But they took their anger out on me. Me, the unwanted little daughter.

A couple of month back they filled for divorce. And that's when they began fighting again. Only verbally though. All the physical anger was left to me. Those were the hardest months of my life.

Grayson: oh my God. K. I am so sorry. No one should go through any of that.

Me: save the apologies. You didn't do anything. And I'm okay now.

Grayson: still K. You are so strong for still being this amazing human being after going through so much. No one in this world deserves to go through anything like that. And yet there are fucked up people out there that do it. K, you are the strongest and bravest person I know. You've gone through so much and yet here you are. Putting on a smile, standing up tall. You are an amazing human being.
And please know, that you can always talk to me about anything. I'm here for you.

Me: thanks gray

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