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"Milly! Mill, please tell me you've seen him?"My friend Eve called as she pretty much ran down the hall and into me. I looked around hoping not too many people noticed, but I wasnt that lucky.

"Saw who, Eve?" I asked pulling out my books for the next class and my folder holding all the work for classes before lunch. Unlike some of my friends, I was kinda a nerd who liked getting to class on time, although the majority of my friends did great in school, I still had a large amount who didnt care (for example Eve). People were used to seeing me with people from different cliques, and unlike me they didn't seemed surprised that I fit in with a variety of groups. I was shy, reserved, I didn't really dress up, wore glasses, and was very much into books, school work, and music so it surprises me that I actually had any friends let alone people who are popular.

"You know, the hot new kid?" She said smiling twirling a blonde shiny strand between her fingers. I made sure everything was in my folder and checked my watch I only had 2 minutes to get to class, so with that I slammed my locker shut and started to walk Eve following next to me.

"No, and frankly I dont mind." I mumbled keeping up my pace. Eve on the other hand pretty much stumbled but quickly recoved and gained her momentum back.

"Come on Mill. Every girl is talking about him, or trying to find a way to talk to him." Eve let out. I paused my steps and raised an eyebrow at her before taking the last few steps toward my first class.

"Eve look, I'm not looking for a "hot" guy. I'm just trying to get through school unnoticed, so far it hasn't succeeded but that's okay. Plus ever think of how clichè you're trying to make me sound, the nerd falling for the bad boy?" I said stopping by the door.

"Okay it does sound clichè but don't make judgement till you see him. Plus you're not a nerd." She said looking completely serious.

"Have you seen him yet Eve?" I asked genuinely curious.

"No." She answered truthfully, a smile on her face as she ran her fingers through her blonde locks.

"Okay." I replied walking in to my class. If she wanted to talk about this more we had the next period, and 5th period together. I just couldn't believe she was swooning over a guy she hasn't seen. What if it turns out she doesn't like him? Sighing I shrugged my shoulders and looked straight ahead getting ready for class.


After a 45 minute math class, it was time for 2nd period.... the dreaded history. See I liked school, but I hated history and science, probably my worst 2 subjects, and only being in the 9th grade didnt help the fact that I had 3 more years of this on top of how many years I had to take it in college. I walked over to my locker and threw my math book in there pulling out my history book and walking to the class literally 2 feet from my locker. As soon as I got to the door, I could hear Eve yelling for me. Deciding to ignore her I walked into the class and sat toward the back ignoring the strange looks from the other 2 kids already seated. I guess they heard Eve yelling for my attention.

"Millllllyyyyy! Ohhh mmmmmyyy God!" She screeched running to the seat next to mine. When she sat she huffed in a deep breath and I laughed.

"Someone's outta shape there." I laughed. She shot me a serious look clutching her tiny waist.

"Don't say. I have bad lungs, so I shouldn't be chasing you." She stated simply.

"Well stop chasing me, or cut back on the smoking." I stated with a shrug, which got another dirty look before she purked up. I seriously didn't get why kids smoked so young, or how they even got cigarettes.

"I saw him." She said happily interrupting my internal rant on society.

"Umm...congrats, but I don't think you get a prize for that." I sarcastically replied, which gained an annoyed eye roll. I was always rude like this, so once again why she stayed my friend amazed me.

"Don't you want to know what I think?" She asked planting a bright smile on her face.

"Uhh... sure, well actually no not really." I mumbled watching the class fill up. This was the only class with assigned seats(yeah, worst highschool class ever) so I was most likely gonna hear about this "hot bad boy" all period and since it was Wednesday or better known as "Group work day" me and Eve were paired in a group of 3 with a kid who refused to talk to us. Yay (sarcasm inserted here).

"Well he's not really tall, but he isn't short. 5'10ish, give or take and oh my he is just so-" She was cut off as the teacher walked in. We still had a minute till the bell rang but he started talking anyway, that was until the bell interrupted him along with a kid I had never seen before.

"Yes, at least I have one class with him so far." Eve whispered excitedly. I looked around the room and noticed a lot of the girls swooning at him. What was so special? He looked like anyother "bad boy" who went here. He had black hair cut short, with brown eyes incased in thick long lashes any girl would envy, his lips were plump and curved into this smirk, and he had a tattoo on his forearm. His skin tone was a warm golden brown, my guess was that he was probably Puerto Rican, but who knows. He wasn't anything to gawk at to me... but then again, I was more into the boys in the bands I admired. I was too busy thinking about all the band crushes I had and how I would switch him out for my top favorites. Apparently when I was daydreaming "bad boy" was told to take the last empty seat in our group. Eve squealed like a mad woman as he walked in the direction of the chair between me and Eve, girls following his every move with their eyes.

After that attention walk, we, well me and quite kid got to work(separately might I add) while Eve became a chatter box with the new kid. Eh figured a girl like Eve would be his type, and good for her since she obviously liked him. After my work was done I threw my paper at Eve who quickly copied it and handed it back to me. New kid flirted with Eve and jokingly stole her paper to copy the answers, both ignoring me this whole while. I shrugged my shoulders and started thinking of my favorite songs, writing the lyrics on the journal laying firmly on my desk. I still had 15 minutes in here and Eve's laughter was starting to get on my nerves so I popped in a headphone hiding it between my long straight hair and my jacket. Being in the class of one of the strictest teachers I had to hide it to avoid confiscation of my iPod.

Thank God for music cause that's what got me through the rest of the noisy period. I packed up and looked over at Eve waiting for a goodbye, but it never came. Instead she rushed out of the class with the new kid and only smiled in my direction. I gave her a sarcastic thumbs up and headed over to my locker to get my folder for choir, finally the best class of the day.

Well I thought it'd be the best class of the day. Ms.Hale was out sick so we had a sub, and to my dismay one of my nerdy friends also had a crush on the new guy.

"Did you see him?" Lexi asked pulling out a book that was supposed to help her improve skills on drawing anime characters.

"If by him you mean the new kid, yes I saw him. I just had last period with him." I grumbled flicking through the book. I was envious of anyone who could draw because I wasn't gifted with that talent. I couldn't even draw a decent stick figure to save my life.

"Ugh so lucky. Aren't his eyes just so.... what's the word I'm looking for..." She trailed off tapping her chin. I looked over at her. Lexi was the total opposite of Eve. She had long brown hair that fell in natural waves, with these big hazel eyes and looked so young, she could pass for a 5th grader if she wanted to. She was very much into anime, video games, music, drawing, ect.

"His eyes are just normal eyes Lex." I said after not getting an answer in the past minute.

"No." She stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"N-" I was trying to say no to question her thoughts, but she cut me off.

"No, theres is more to those magnificent brown eyes. It's almost like you can see through them to his soul if he let you." She stated confidently.

"Yeah. Sure." I replied sarcasticly. Little did I know how right she was, but I would definitely find it out for myself in the furture.


A/N: Okay, so this is just a small start to my new story. Some of it is based off of true events that happened in my life, but over all it is fictional. I promise its not going to be the whole clichè "bad boy & nerd" type story, partly because some of the events are true, and I'd like to write them as I captured them. Hopefully you guys like it.


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