Chapter 3: She realizes her missed chance.

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It had been close to 2 weeks since that day in the computer lab. I realized I had a growing crush on Samuel and in all honesty I kinda liked the feelings that got stronger as the crush developed. I started to get butterflies when I saw him, I felt giddy at the mention of his name, and my heart seemed to try and escape my chest from each glance.

Today was a Wednesday and I was excited to see and talk to him this morning, but as the 45 boring minutes of history class dragged on, he was a no show. Sighing I got up swinging my backpack along with me and walked out of class to my locker. I threw my history book in my locker and started up to the choir room with disappointment settled in my chest.

Why of all people, had I fallen for the bad boy? I had decent friends to pick from, yet my heart had to go haywire and pick a person I could never have. Yeah in those movies the nerd wins the bad boy's heart, but this wasn't a movie, it was reality. In my reality I'd be lucky to even call a boy like him my friend, so why wasn't that enough? Why did I have to listen to my stupid heart?

I huffed and sat in my seat as Lexi ran in.

"Oh my good! Milly guess what just happened!" She said excitedly.

"You discovered a plan for world abomination?" I joked which earned a glare in response.

"Not yet I'm still working on that." She grumbled causing me to giggle.

"Then?" I asked a smile still on my face.

"I just ran into Samuel." She sighed out in a dreamy tone.

"Really? But he was a no show last period." I mumbled more to myself than to her.

"Yeah. He was walking and I wasn't paying  attention to where I was going and we brushed shoulders kinda roughly. He smiled and said sorry and it was just ooooh... perfect." She said putting her hands together before resting her cheek against her intertwined fingers. I laughed at her expression but couldn't help thinking where was my mysterious bad boy last period. Sighing I gave up and decided not even to worry about it. He wasn't mine so I shouldn't worry or care like I did. Our conversation was put to rest as our vocal cords were put to work with our daily warm ups.


As lunch came to a close I linked arms with my friend Gabby. Her and Nicky were the only ones who knew about my crush and although Nicky was my best friend, me and Gabby kept a journal that held our secrets. She wrote about her 2 week only rotating cast of crushes and I wrote about my 2 week developing crush. We were at the end of the hall-5 doors away from our class- when I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I turned to see Samuel and smiled. Gabby unlinked her arm from mine and started walking to our class as to give us unneeded privacy.

"I wanna see you after school today." He said calmly.

"Haha, my dad wouldn't let that happen." I stated as a fact.

"I don't care. I want to see you, and trust me I'll do anything to see you." He said with this honest gleam in his eye. My heart sped up at the thought of him being this determined to see me.

"I'm going somewhere." I lied. Why couldn't I just say yes? Oh that's right cause this would never work. Well that and cause him admitting he wanted to see me badly actually had me crushing on him harder.

"Where are you going?" He said as we got closer to my class.

"I don't know." I mumbled. I was such a bad liar, which is why I really don't lie.

"See your not going anywhere. I'll see you after school." He said with a wink and smile as he walked away and I walked into class the bell ringing as I sat in my seat with a permanent smile on my face.

"Details now." Gabby giggled.

"I'll just write it to you seeing as I get the journal tonight." I said with a shrug my smile still gleaming.

"You better." She laughed out as we flipped open our science books.

Not even a boring class of science could ruin this.


On the way home I was nervous. I mean he ess going to try and see me, what was I gonna tell my parents? "Oh mom, dad this bad boy from school lives a few houses down and he wants to see me. He's not taking no for an answer so I guess it has to be yes." That just seemed like a bad conversation starter so I decided not even to mention it. We would cross that bridge when we got there....if we got there that is.

My parents and brother were chatting away while I thought everything I wanted to tell Samuel out, so when we stopped in our driveway I was surprised that the car ride felt like mere seconds. I decided to just stay outside and play with my Great Dane while everyone went inside.

5 minutes had passed and I was about to go in when I heard "pstttttt". I looked up and my eyes met Samuel's while my heart went full throttle in my chest.

"Wait there, I'm gonna go change and I'll be right back." He said a growing smile on his face. All I could do was giggle and nod in reply.

I stood outside waiting when my mom called me inside.

"Yeah?" I asked walking to my room to reapply the eyeliner on my waterline.

"We're leaving so make sure you're ready to go." She said with a smile as she hung to my door frame.

"Can't I stay home mom?" I asked knowing it might start an argument.

"No." She said in her 'that's final' tone.

"But I've stayed home alone before." I tried to fight back.

"I don't care Mill, we're all going to dinner together and thats final." She said walking back into her room. I sighed and walked back outside. I saw Samuel standing outside on the sidewalk, I was about to call his name when my mom and brother walked out. My mom called my name and not in the mood to fight anymore I just jumped into the truck.

I saw Samuel look over at my house one more time before letting out a sigh and walking back into his house. I felt my heart drop at the thought that I had jinxed it. It's my fault, if I wouldn't have lied that I wasn't going to be there maybe I wouldn't be leaving right now, but then again it's not like I could predict the future and know this was coming.


After coming home from dinner I threw myself on the bed. I pulled out my homework and got to work, when I finished I pulled out mine and Gabby's journal.

I read her entry over and then started my own. I started with a reply to everything she was complaining about with Jack (her new 2 week only crush) before moving on to a new paragraph. The paragraph that would explain what happened today.

Gabs I can't believe I blew it. Samuel told me he wanted to see me today after school, but I lied and told him I was going out. He said he would see me no matter what it took, so here's how everything went. He saw me and said he had to change so he went home. I begged my mom to let me stay home seeing as I've done it before, but she said no, so I went outside to see if Samuel was there. Sure enough he was, he looked  cute just standing there waiting for me to get out when my mom showed up and told me to get in the car. You should have seen his face. He looked almost hurt that I wasn't out there, but it really wasn't my fault. I screwed up, unintentionally, but still. I think this is it, I think I may have lost my chance to even get to know him.

I finished off with my goodbye and closed the journal. Maybe it wasn't a missed chance, maybe it was meant to be like that, because a boy like him doesn't belong with a girl like me despite all the fairytales. Or maybe I did miss my chance on getting to know him and now I was looking for an excuse so my heart wouldn't hurt so much at the thought. Either way I let those thoughts go as I jumped in the shower and then into bed.

If it was a missed chance, oh well. If it's meant to be, there will be more opportunities beside this one.

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