The Eggs

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Upon waking up the next morning, Luna looked around, seeing her three translucent eggs. She purred softly and got up, stretching out her wings before looking down at her eggs and lightly blew very weak plasma blasts around the nest to help the eggs incubate. Once she wasn't satisfied, she moved to the mouth of the cave, looking around. She growled a little and went back into the cave, using some light weight branches to cover her eggs to ensure they would be safe when she went out to hunt.

Slipping out of the cave, she made her way towards a nearby lake. Once she got to the lake, she sat down and stared into the water, waiting for a perfect time to strike. She eyed the fish as they swam by, but none were close enough for her to snatch up. She then found the perfect opportunity and snatched up a fish in her jaws before making her way back to the cave, her small ears twitching as she walked as she listened to the sounds around her.

She then laid down, curled up around her nest as she started to eat her breakfast. As she ate, her ears kept twitching as she tried to detect if there was anything or anyone near her nesting cave. Once she finished eating, she curled up some more, resting her head on her front paws as she eyed the cave entrance, soon hearing the loud whistling sounds of a Night Fury. She watched as said Night Fury appeared at the mouth of the cave, along with his human.

'I thought you said you wanted to see them when she hatched.' Luna rumbled, eyeing the male Night Fury, who was staring at her eggs with wide eyes and his toothless jaw dropped. 'Also, yes. Light Fury eggs look much different compared to the typical dragon.' She told him, watching his human closely, with her blue, cat-like eyes.

'Its so... strange to be able to actually watch a young dragon develop within its shell.' Toothless rumbled, sitting down and licking a paw, 'Its both odd and fascinating.' He then commented, tilting his head, one ear plate flat to the side while the other was perked up.

Luna rolled her eyes, saying nothing as she remained curled around her eggs, protectively. Hiccup was still watching, intrigued with how the eggs looked and he made a move to get closer, but stopped when he heard a ferocious growl from the female dragon. She wasn't too keen on letting anyone near her nest, especially after having recently laid them.

"Easy, girl.." Hiccup told the mother Dragon, who was now starting to get agitated, "I'm not going to do anything to your eggs. I just wanted to observe them." He told her, backing away a little at the angry snarl that came from the Light Fury. He knew he was agitating her and making her anxious, so he decided to stop pestering her by just looking at her eggs.

Toothless watched, looking at his best friend and then shook his head, rolling his cat-like eyes. The Night Fury then looked at the nest, watching the young dragon within the translucent shell of the closest egg. He found it a bit odd that Light Fury eggs were the way they were, but they were called 'Light Fury' so that would explain the type of glow the eggs possessed.

Toothless, deciding to be helpful, bounded away to the lake, Hiccup following him. Toothless stared down into the water, scanning it with his green, cat-like eyes as he waited for a chance to strike. When that time came, he quickly smacked at the water with a paw, sending a large fish up into the air, where he then caught it, his teeth sliding out and digging into the slimy flesh. He shook his head a couple of times until the fish stopped thrashing, before tossing it to the side and waited for another fish.

As time went by, Toothless had a decent sized fish pile, which was filled with Viper Fish and Hailbut and a little bit of salmon. Purring with satisfaction,  Toothless had Hiccup put the fish into a basket before the two made their way back to the Light Fury, who was now asleep.

Toothless stopped at the entrance of the cave, a toothless smile on his face and he let out a soft, non-threatening growl to wake up the Fury. Luna woke up and tiredly looked at Toothless, who cooed, purred and growled as he explained that he went to get her some fish that would last her for a week or two.

Luna let out a soft purr, which was different from the usual growl and baring of the teeth that she normally performed when Toothless was near her. Grinning with his progress, Toothless dragged the basket of fish into the cave and near the female. He was still afraid she'd lash out if he got too close, so he wisely kept his distance.

Bowing his head, Toothless and Hiccup left, leaving the Light Fury to her sleep and fish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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