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"Helloooo? Are you okay?" a voice echoed through my head. I groaned and stood up, rubbing my gem. "Jeez, what, what happened?"

"White Diamond used her powers on someone, and it's so powerful when it happens it can corrupt everything but a Diamond. Are you okay? How are you feeling? Dizzy I suppose?" I realized it was Hazel.

"Uh. Yeah, dizzy," I rubbed my gem again. "How did you-"

"Get you? I felt the power from White's and ran back to get you. The energy in there is insane! I highly doubt the other gems are awake yet," Hazel said. "I... I knew you weren't like the other Diamonds..."

"Like the others?"

"Well, you don't really seem to care about Red Diamond. And you're nice," she laughed.

I smiled and shrugged. "I guess that's what happens when you're put on Earth for over a year," then I remembered when White fixed Hazel. Hazel said White's power didn't work on her, so does she not remember being White Pearl?

"I'd stay away from that area if I were you. If another gem goes into that room, they'll turn into a corruption very quickly," Hazel stated.

"But what does White's power do to a Diamond?" I asked.

Hazel was silent for a moment. "Breaks them down."

"And White did break someone down because everything went white! Who did she get?!"

Hazel shrugged. "I'm not quite sure. Yellow and Blue were in there when I got you."

"But... only a Diamond. Who could it have been?" I asked myself. "Who was in the room with us? I... I don't know! White must've touched someone in order for everything to go white like that!"

Hazel shook her head. "I... I don't know, Purple Diamond," she weakly made the Diamond symbol with her arms. "But... it was a Diamond. Because if it wasn't, White's power wouldn't have been so... crazy and made everyone poof. If she touched an average gem, then it would've just..." then she rubbed her face. "They would've just ended up like me."

"Do you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"Being White Pearl?"

"Excuse me?"

"White's Pearl. You were White's Pearl for a long time, when she tried to fix you and you broke and white so she made you her Pearl. You were... kinda creepy. You couldn't move, only your mouth to speak. You had no tone in your voice, you were like a robot..." I trailed off and realized the look of shock on Hazel's face. "I mean... it wasn't bad but, you don't remember?"

"No," Hazel lowered her eyes. "Not at all."


Thank you all for 800 reads!

Sorry this chapter was short, last chapter was kind long...

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