Passing Out

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     Passing out always has that sort of peacefulness. Its almost like sleeping and not having the slightest care in the world. You don't even dream most of the time and I find that comforting.

     When I pass out I'll usually have a very short flashback. Last time this happened to me it was images of a barbecue cookout and people having fun and laughing. It seemed to be a great day. Except, when I try to remember that day by myself I can't.

     Its weird because I cant remember anything from school either. I cant think of one person that I talked to or atleast one class I had. That bugs me because if you went to a school your whole life you should at least remember one person and that person can be a crush or your best friend.

     Passing out has its benefits though. I get to see things from the past I dont remember...

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