Both my best friends are in love...With each other

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'Meet Zoe. She's a fun loving, beloved, cool girl.' I wrote. This assignment Mr. Johnston's given is stupid, and to be fair, quite ridiculous. He's assigned us to write a short story about ourselves in less than 4,000 words. I can't do that, mostly because I've got so much to write about, and a little part of that is 'cause I just really don't feel like writing. If I'm going to get an A, I need at least four pages.

"Hey Zoe, here's a note for ya." I felt someone tap me repeatedly on my right shoulder.


I took the note slowly, to see Finn's signature at the bottom. Finn is my best friend since about the third grade now, and seeing how we are freshmen now, that's a fair amount of time.

'Hey good lookin', tonight I'm going to dinner with my cousins, so our plans are off. Tell Liv I'm sorry I couldn't be there. -Finn' I turned to him and gave a thumbs up saying, no problem dude. I flipped back around just as the release bell went off, and everyone jumped to their feet giving a sigh of relief at their freedom.

Quickly, I jumped up and scurried to the door, knocking heads with someone. I don't know who I bumped into, all I know Is that this someone smelled extremely good.

"Zoe, right? I'm Felix." he said quietly while he looked away.

Felix, THE Felix! The one that's always been super popular, the one I've had a crush on for 3 years! Ow, my head kind of hurts... It literally felt like I'd just head butted a brick wall. I couldnt believe I'd just ran into him, and I felt my cheeks go red hot. Crap. I should probably act like any normal person and respond.

"I, I'm..." ZOE! I yelled at myself mentally. Wait, he already knows my name, he just said it! I feel like an idiot. An idiot that forgets their own name.

"Y-Yeah. That's right, uh, Zoe." as soon as I managed to blurt that out, he took a step closer and I could feel his hot breath. I think everyone could practically hear my heart beating by now.

"Well, cool meeting you, but uh, you're kind of in my way." he said, his voice raspy.

For a second, I didn't even process what he'd just said, but I quickly realized his sentence and I hopped off to the side. As he walked to his seat, I turned around to steal a small glance of him. He noticed my gaze and one corner of his mouth raised slightly upward. I blushed and turned away to walk to 4th period, ignoring everything and everyone around me.

Had Felix VanDeKamp just talked to me, AND somewhat smiled at me? What is happening.

~~~~~~~~~~(/• •)/~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey so this is obviously my first story, so here's chapter one for you all... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed what I have. Now i must hook you all into my precious story! -Buffy ^.^

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