Chapter 2: What pigs!

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"Can you stop looking at me like you have anger issues?" Finn yelled playfully.

"Not unless you stop calling me 'livie'!" Olivia yelled back, only, not playfully. Finn started to call her livie when we all became friends, and obviously, it annoyed all the... Well, it annoyed everything out of her. Everyone else calls her Olive, a nickname chosen by herself. Just to get a kick out of irritating her, he calls her that certain name, all the time.

We have kind of a circle of friends; Me, Finn, Olive, Allyson, Abigail, and Freddie. Finn is the only guy in our 'group'. You thought Freddie was a dude? Well she's a definite girl, her real name if Winifred, but everyone calls her Freddie. Allyson and I have known each other since we were babies, although, it kind of sucks, 'cause she's in 8th grade. Abigail on the other hand is in 10th grade. One grade higher.

"Zoe, what are you staring at? Or maybe you aren't staring, you're daydreaming about your encounter with the 'fourth kind' today!" Allyson waved her hand in front on my face started to laugh hysterically at her own joke about Felix being the 'fourth kind'. Everyone quickly joins in a chorus of laughter.

"Just because you guys don't find him incredibly attractive, and adorable with his most vibrant blue eyes, and extremely-"

Finn cut me off with a booming laugh and his response, "Of course I don't find him attractive, I like chicks!"

"What if you were gay?" I retorted. "Then you would find him hot!"

"Doubt it. I would go for guys with really long-"

"Save it gayboy!" Olive said, heaving for a breath from laughing so much.

"I was going to say legs you sick freak!" Finn replied, almost matter-of-factly.

The door of my room bust open to Emmet, my older brother.

"Zoe, I brought food." ha said plainly, implying for everyone to go eat. At the mention of food, all my friends darted up and sprinted to the stairs as if it were a race. I noticed Ally didn't move a muscle, my face automatically turned to her, and she understood completely.

"I'm on a diet." she patted her stomach proudly and forced a smile.

"And what for, exactly?" I frowned at her.

She scoffed, "This." Ally held her stomach pointing to nothing, which in her mind was fat, seriously though, this girl had nothing to worry about.

"I'll be right back!" running downstairs, I saw my friends pigging out on the pizza my brother had brought, and I grabbed two of Ally's favorite kind. I smiled deviously at my plan and went up the stairs, skipping every other one. When I got to my room, I kicked the door open, and Ally hopped up so we were eye level. She bit her lip, grabbed one piece, and said, "I hate you."

I smiled as we ate our pizza, and she occasionally would glare at me, then laugh because could never keep straight faces around each other. I started laughing too, and we couldn't stop, when all our friends walked in and stared at us. I clutched my sides to help the pain from laughing. Oh yeah, why are we laughing again?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\(• •\)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So hey people, this is chapter two! Enjoy! I'll start getting dramatic later... Anyway, I hope you liked it!

-Buffy ^.^

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