Chapter 3: I feel alone, but that sound in my rooms feels different.

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After dinner, I decided to take a 'nap', you know, the kind where you want to sleep for 30 minutes, but no one wakes you up, so you wake the next morning thinking, 'How long did I sleep'. I walked up the stairs, tripped a few times, but successfully got up. My door was closed, weird... I always leave it open. I opened the door and slammed it, leaving off the lights. I have this pulsing feeling I'm not alone. Since the blinds and the curtains were both shut, leaving my room pitch black, it really didn't help my I-don't-feel-alone thing, especially when my computer chair squeaked. I ran to the light switch and flipped it up. When my sudden blindness wore off, I found Finn sitting in my chair, with his hands behind his head, staring at me. I want to punch him in the face, with a chair, repeatedly. Definitely repeatedly when he gave me a smirk.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed.

"Just stopping by to see if you were coming to Felix's raging par-tay?" I could hear the amusement in his voice.

"You couldn't have called or, or texted, like a NORMAL person??"


"Fine. But if I'm going to go," I replied bitterly, "At least tell me what I should wear."

"Woah there, I am not your fashion assistant!"

I glared at him. "Please?"


"Please? You owe me... for, uh... Something."


My eyes settled on his intensely, and I never looked away.

"FINE! I get it, you wanna look good for your 'boyfriend'" He teased, about Felix. I hadn't noticed what he'd been wearing until now, and is wasn't anything special. He wore a black v neck T-shirt and dark blue jeans, faded a little. The darker colors made his light brown skin and his big brown eyes look greater than ever. I noti-

"Sweetie," He added mockingly, pretending to pout, "My eyes are up here."

"For a best friend, you can get VERY annoying."

"For a best friend, you sure were checking me out." He teased. He had a comeback for everything, didn't he?

"I, I was not! I-" was I?

"You definitely were!"

"Oh shut up! Don't flatter yourself Finn, now go pick me and outfit!" I said, laughing at our bickering. He stood up, shuffling to my closet and groaned when he saw how much clothes I have. Finally, he settled on a short purple dress. A short purple dress that barely covered the top of my thighs.

"Look away, Finn." With that, he turned to face the wall. I pulled my top over my head and threw it towards the laundry bin. The black tank top had to come off too, but halfway through pulling it off, the hole in the back decided to throw a party and get stuck on the hook of my bra. I stood there awkwardly, and tugged a little, hearing a small, 'RIP'. Well this is just wonderful.


Hey so here is chapter three for anyone who is reading! I hope you like it anyway, I'll put the awkward situation in chap. 4 and the par-tay. Have fun doing... whatever it is you are doing!

-Buffy ^.^

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