Hey everyone, first story written on here, hope you all like it :p well enough with the intro, on to the story!!!
Remember to comment saying whatever you want about it, criticism is always good (: keep it clean though please. Here we go...
Chapter One
"Mom!" I scream down the stairs, holding a half empty bottle of rum. "What is this doing under your bed? I thought you quit a long time..." I stopped because she couldn't hear me. She was passed out drunk again on our couch in the living room, an empty wine bottle rolling on the floor by her feet.
"God damn it mom..." I grumble to myself.
This has been the normal routine at our house, ever since Hank, that bastard who helped mom give life to me, ran away two years ago. She started drinking the night after, all alone in her room with a bottle of strong whisky. She told me that she stopped about three months ago. And now here she is again, drinking away her life. I pick her up and carry her to her bed, where I lay her as gently as possible, not that throwing her straight onto the bed would have waken her. Not in this state. But still I put her down, walked out, and closed the door. On the couch where she was sitting was a picture of "him" and my mom, at the carnival where they first fell in love. "Love at first sight" she always told me. For now I'm just glad that sad excuse for a father is gone.
To tell the truth we actually got along pretty well when I was younger. Making bowling alleys out of pipes in the backyard. Us tossing a ratty old baseball around. That sort of stuff. But that was before the drinking, before he started getting violent. He used to strangle me whenever mom was out shopping, I still have the bruises to prove it. Good riddance to him and may he never come back.
"Yo, Matt!" I turned as I heard my name. It was Spencer, my best friend since that lunch time incident in fourth grade. "Dude, have you noticed the new girl?"
At that I smile and say, "What new girl? There hasn't been anyone new here for years."
"Well mark this as day one, cuz she is here, she is hot, and she is walking this way!"
"No way dude," I scoff. "There is absolutely no way..."
"Ummm excuse me, could either of you two point me in the direction of the girl's restroom?" At that I turn to see this beautiful girl, talking to me, here and now. This must be a dream. "Uh... yeah it's th-that w-w-way." I point toward the high school building.
"Thanks," she says with a smile.
Then Spencer speaks up, "Why don't you follow me, Matt here doesn't know how to treat a lady." He winks at me as he turns her away.
"Awww how sweet of you... what's your name again?"
"Name's Spencer," he says with a grin.
"Well thank you, Spencer." She turns toward me. "And nice meeting you Matt."
'God I am such an idiot,' I think as both Spencer and the new girl walk away to the main building, Spencer making her laugh the whole way, his way of making her feel welcome. 'Shit, I didn't even ask her name...'

Vice Versa
Ficção AdolescenteMatt thought he was just another normal kid, with normal everyday problems at school and at home, until one day when a new girl, Leighton, comes to town and flips his world upside down. Now he's on a wild journey trying to find his old life in the c...