[2] Humanoids And Confusing Concepts

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^Hector up there^

"Are you going to go in?" Hector placed his hand on my shoulder and I gave him and uncertain look

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"Are you going to go in?" Hector placed his hand on my shoulder and I gave him and uncertain look. "I promise, I will explain everything," he said and I glanced at him one more time before stepping inside.

He closed the door after me and I stood there like a deer in the headlights. By now, I was losing it. I know these people! Almost every single one of them.

They were never my friends, I only had two but the Chief's son? What was he doing here?
"Not gonna sit?" Someone came up from behind me and I jumped, startled.

He laughed and extended his hand out for me to shake, "I'm Noah." I shook his hand and only now I noticed that there were a couple of girls behind him, smiling at me.

"I'm Odile," she introduced and the other pushed past her to stand in front of me. "I'm Claire." She hugged me, taking me by surprise but I soon hugged her back.

She pulled away and Noah spoke again, "Come on." He took my hand in his, leading me to an empty table. And again, everything was fucking white.

The room was packed with kids, teenagers and young adults in their early twenties. How do I know that for sure? Well, they're from my village.

"What's your name?" Odile beamed after we all took seats around one of the tables. They don't know me? Of course they don't. I'm one of the low villagers so it doesn't really surprise me.

"Felicity," I replied, looking around the cafeteria.
"Well Felicity, I think you should go get your food," Noah said and I nodded, standing up and making my way to the plates that were sitting on a table in the corner of the room.

I picked up a plate and walked toward the buffet. My stomach growled at the sight of the freshly cooked food and my mouth started to water. It was like I haven't seen food before.

I began filling my plate, eager to get back to the table so I could eat but a guy stopped me.
"New girl," he grinned and I smiled back, trying to squeeze past him.

"Someone's rude," he laughed, moving away from me. I sighed and started taking quick strides to the table while he followed behind me silently.

I made it back to the table and sat down, not wasting another second as I began shoving food in my mouth.

"I guess you were hungry." He shrugged and I ignored him. I know that guy. He's Nick. And Nick isn't exactly someone I would like to talk to. Why? Because he's the Chief's right hand's son and someone like me shouldn't interact with him.

"What's up Odile?" He slid in the seat next to her, giving her a wink and she blushed. I held in my laughter by shoving more food in my mouth. Not gonna lie, I find it funny when a girl blushes and tries to hide her face. Like, don't. He already knows.

I finished my plate and pushed it away from me, taking my time to look around. Everyone around me was so focused on their conversations including Noah and Claire who were sitting on the same table as me.

Nick whispered something in Odile's ear and she started blushing again. Someone please push the both of them off the table. Intense eye roll right there.

I frowned as I noticed that everyone here is one of the high ranks in the village. Also, my friends weren't here. Not only that, but they were all matching.
The guys were all fitted into this outfit.

While the girls wore this one

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While the girls wore this one.

And here I was, looking like an awkward outsider who had on a plain white sweater and some black sweatpants

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And here I was, looking like an awkward outsider who had on a plain white sweater and some black sweatpants. What was I doing in this outfit? Was I sitting peacefully in my house or what?

"Come on everyone. Go back to your rooms," one of those–I'll call them humanoids–latex wearing humanoids yelled out and everyone started scrambling out of the cafeteria.

I, on the other hand, stayed because I don't have a 'room'.
"What are you still doing here?" A humanoid marched toward me but stopped when Hector's voice sounded.

"She is leaving right now," he said, interlocking our arms and pulling me out of the cafeteria.
"Are those real humans?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yeah, they're just... odd," he replied and I nodded. Even he thinks they're weird so it's not just me. Good.

"I'll take you to my office until you're assigned a room, okay?" He informed. "Okay." I shrugged. He better answer my questions while we're there.

We crossed random hallways and then we got into the elevator. I was actually surprised that a couple of people weren't wearing that stupid latex suit.

I believe they're also mentors? I really don't know but Hector was wearing a navy dress shirt and matching dress pants so he's sane. At least to me.

We were now on the second floor and were making our way to his office. And as I said, I feel like I'm in a science lab. Everything was white. Ugh.

I kinda hate that I'm wearing a white sweater because I look like I'm one of them but it's my favorite sweater so fuck it. And them.

We entred a room which I assumed was his office and he told me to take a seat in front of his desk. He sat across from me on the other side of the desk and leaned back in the black leather chair.

"Ask away." He intertwined his fingers together and for some reason, I couldn't speak. I don't know which question I should begin with first because they're just too many.

I took a deep breath, "What am I doing here, Hector?" He sighed and straightened his posture.
That's when you know, shit's about to get real. Okay, I'll stop.

"You chose to," he answered and my heart literally stopped for a second. I chose to come here?

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