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  After the attack from Toga, Aizawa had a pro hero stationed outside Fumikage's room at all time. Fumikage was frustrated to say the least that the league attacked him while he was sedated. He was more concerned that Tsuyu had to fight such a strong villain. He and Tsuyu remained in the hospital room. Aizawa was on the other side of the door taking a phone call, as well as standing guard. Recovery girl was busy cleaning up the materials from the blood transfusion.

"Are you sure you are alright?" Fumikage asked Tsuyu as Recovery Girl removed the IVs in his arm.

Tsuyu rubbed her thumb across Fumikage's other hand. "I'm fine. I'm just glad Aizawa sensei arrived in time."

"That teacher of yours is one incredible guy," Recovery Girl commented. "He cares about all you students deeply."

"No wonder he is always so tired, ribbit," Tsuyu chuckled.

"Indeed," Recovery Girl said setting the bags down. She picked up some bandages. "Asui, come over here my dear. I need to make sure you see what I am doing."

"Okay," Tsuyu says almost as if it is a quest. She releases Fumikage's hand and walks over to Recovery Girl.

"Make sure you pay close attention. You will have to do this for Tokoyami. Tokoyami, I need you to sit on the edge of the bed and remove your gown."

"What!" Fumikage and Tsuyu gasp. Their faces flushed.

The old woman chuckled. "Tokoyami has too deep of cuts on his back and chest. The lacerations required stitches. His wounds will need to be cleaned and bandaged every day."

"But won't a nurse be able to do that?" Tsuyu asked.

Recovery Girl shook her head. "I can't keep you here if the League of Villains are trying to come after you. Aizawa is setting up a safe house for you two. He's going to be the only one who knows where you are. I will be on call if an emergency happens, but isolating you is the safest choice."

"That makes sense," Fumikage said. He shakily sat up and moved himself to the edge of the bed. Carefully, he reaches up to untie the gown around his neck. The gown dropped off his shoulders, exposing his bare back and chest. The teen closed his eyes, attempting to hide his blush. He heard Tsuyu gasp, and he opened his eyes slightly.

Recovery Girl got right to work. She placed her hand on the first wound on his left collar bone. "This cut here needed a few stitches. You can see the bandage is damp, and even a little bloody. That's fine, this is still kind of fresh." She removed the gauze and grabbed a cotton swab with a bottle. "Use this alcohol to clean the wound. Place the new gauze on the wound and use this tape to keep it still. Does that make sense?""

"Ribbit," Tsuyu nodded.

"Good." Recovery Girl handed the girl a pair of gloves. "You do the one on his right peck. I will watch to make sure you do it correctly.

Fumikage took in a sharp inhale as Tsuyu touched his chest. This was extremely intimate. He never expected to be sitting in only his underwear as Tsuyu cleans his wounds. Dark Shadow took this opportunity to distract Fumikage.

"You took a lot of damage."

"I didn't realize how much damage I did take," Fumikage said. He flinched as he felt the alcohol clean his wound.

"It's funny that you are basically naked," Dark Shadow snickered.

Fumikage's blush deepened. "Why do you want me to suffer?"

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