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After giving their statements to the police, Fumikage and the Asui family traveled back to the U.A. campus. U.A. sent a private car. They didn't want the family to have to face another possible incident in a public space. All six sat in the back of a limo.

"You two really handled that situation," Ganma stated.

"That man was scary," Satsuki mumbled into her mother's side. Beru patted the child on the back.

Samidare was staring at Fumikage with an intense expression. Fumikage remained quiet. He wasn't quite sure what to say to comfort the family. Tsuyu noticed Samidare and placed her arm around her brother. "Are you alright, Samidare?"

He turned to Tsuyu, looking her directly in the eyes. "If that guy would have touched you, your face would have been like that painting."

"Probably," Tsuyu did not sugar coat the reality for her brother.

"And Fumikage just talked with that guy on his own. You helped get everyone out. And all everyone did was leave. No one else tried to do anything. It was just you two." Samidare leaned forward and hugged his sister. "I could have lost you. I think that you could die?"

Tsuyu hugged her brother tightly as he started to cry. "I didn't die though. Everyone is safe."

"I couldn't do anything to help you," Samidare choked out. "I'm really glad that Fumikage protected you. And I'm really sorry for making a joke that your boyfriend was probably ugly."

Everyone stared solemnly at the boy as he cried in his sister's arms. For a hero, that would have been a frightening event. As a ten-year-old, that must have been terrifying. On the other side of Tsuyu, Fumikage thought, wondering what he could possibly say to lighten the mood of the car.

"It's alright to be worried about your sister," Fumikage finally said. Samidare looked up with red puffy eyes. All frog eyes stared at the teen. "Dark shadow can only fix hair, not feathers. If Tomaru would have touched Tsuyu's face, then I would have had to be the pretty one in our relationship. I don't think I can handle that task."

He smiled and soon the back seat was bubbling with laughter. Tsuyu grabbed a hold of Fumikage's hand and squeezed it tight. He smiled and reciprocated the grip for the remainder of the car journey.

The car stopped outside the entrance of U.A. Aizawa was waiting outside the entrance. He pulled open the car door. "I apologize for this even messing with your visit, but I will require my students back to debrief them on their next visit. Asui family, we will have pro hero Ectoplasm will join you in your suit for the remainder of today and tomorrow. He is waiting for you there as we speak. The less you know, the safer everyone can be," Aizawa looked towards Tsuyu and Fumikage, "so I recommend that you two say good bye now."

The two teens looked at each other, and before either could react, both parents wrapped them into a tight hug. Fumikage was released first and exited out the door as Tsuyu hugged each member of her family. Fumikage stood next to Aizawa and watched as Tsuyu exited the car door. Before she could close it, and small hand pushed against it.

"Fumikage," Samidare called from the car. "You will help Tsuyu stay safe again, right?"

"Absolutely," Fumikage nodded.

The boy smiled and closed the door. The car drove off. Aizawa placed a hand on both student's shoulders. "Follow me."

Aizawa brought the two to his office. Inside, Endeavor and Todoroki were already sitting inside. Todoroki's eyes were wide when Fumikage and Tsuyu entered the room. They each grabbed a chair and took a seat.

"I have updated Endeavor and Todoroki on all current events leading to this point. They know everything you do now, and you know I don't like repeating myself." Aizawa leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs. "That being said, I now need to update you two on our plan for tomorrow. As I see it, Tomaru would not have told you to come out if he didn't have planes already made."

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