if you put a frozen mango chunk in your mouth, and try to breathe out warm air, what will come out instead is cool air from the frozen state of the mango
Also, I dont freakign draw ever
So here's some drawings!!!!!!
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im finally drawing forth hell praiiise be proud of me
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umm heres some me trying desperately to figure out Camille but hEy at least im drawing her finally damn
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ugh the chin is only decent in the top one ugh iM gEtTiNg tHeRe im sorry kondaira soon i promisee
some eye practice (which i havent done before which was not smart)
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they slowly get better as you go down so i'd view them in that direction
and from like a month ago a game i played with my dad
this is my favorite one
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my drawing, my dad's handwriting-
ok um I made a batch of cookies today
Here's the recipe Im not typing it bc that takes long and I dont' even know if people want this
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also 7 is the most amount of entries i've posted in one month :'