didn't quite finish
lmao I still have 30 and 31 to dobut honestly Inktober doesn't have to do with Halloween
and doesn't much rely on October's boundariesso :P
they'll be coming soon!
aa I've been thinking about the 3moji characters again
I feel bad for seemingly abandoning them
it's not forever I promise-
y'all'll get your lil buddieslike or not
I might like them too much lmao who knowshmm so aaa
brain dump on me
make a creative mess
all your ideas
anything you can think ofmotivational brainstorm
alsoooo I got an app where u can dress up a lil cutie cute character
there are so many choices I am very overwhelmedanyway
my friend gave me animal prompts
so I made a giraffe girl and an elephant one and I am so proud of myselftheir aesthetics are to die for
ha haaa
haaaaaallloween 🍊ok g'bye-bye

Art Book #1
Randomnew? please see the Basics chapter of this book! ~ hey! Art mostly traditional December '17-