♤ cell resp comic + content preview ♤

101 22 14

dang I was importing text characters from my computer and the title had a really neat font for a second there

hh I'll get to those last two inktobers in a few days, probably Thursday this week at least one will be posted :3

I've got a lot on my plate atm (school-wise)

but anyway
to the reason for this chapter

I made a lil comic in AP Bio (it was an assignment) and while it's 100% boring facts about cellular respiration—
although tbh i was really kinda fascinated once I began to understand it (i'm into science ok relax)—
I thought you guys might like to see it

super sorry for wp's crap crap quality

super sorry for wp's crap crap quality

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also if you understand this props to you lmao

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also if you understand this props to you lmao

aaaand just a little preview of what's gonna happen after Inktober is over:

edit: ope ope i finished the list but forgot #1 so here's 0.5 lol
0.5. I've been making a list of things I've learned from this years Inktober, and I'm super excited to share it with you guys!
ok thanks back to real counting
1. Might be doing more writing stuff (maybe even a discord server!! like creative club but it meets more than once a week lol)
2. I'll be asking for what you want to see from me so prepare for that idk
3. More character design ugh wow
4. um um heck i forgot something
5. oh yeah! (maybe) I've got like 2+ huge storyline ideas that I'm super excited for so that'll combine drawing AND writing *^*
6. Imma finally try again to draw myself good god it's been since January
7. oH OH! I'm gonna post that full body I almost finished of Camille bc I'm trying super-supere hard not to be a perfectionist anymore!!!??? or at east  be so critical of my work
I mean honestly, I see not-so-great fullbody human character drawings all the time that I still love to see, what's so wrong with showing the places where you need improvement?

also kinda random but great my Inktober drawings I haven't had a watermark? or little signature thing? so imma make one of those!
any ideas?

ok bye :3

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