Chapter 1

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Gracie's POV

Having responsibility over another human is probably the most amazing and incredibly stressful experience one could ever have.

It's not something you can just give up.

At least, It's not something I could ever give up.

My parents, on the other hand, they just dropped me, my sister and my brother at the drop of a hat.

My mum ran off with her twenty year old 'boy toy', and my dad turned to alcohol to drown out the loss of her.

My brother moved out as soon as he was able to save up enough money, and then he left us with that drunk ass, lonely, heart broken man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming my brother, because I know that none of this would ever have happened if my mother hadn't have cheated, but it still hurts that he left.

"Grace!" My sister calls, walking through the front door.

"In here Lex!" I shout from my place on my bed.

I quickly shove the stack of bills under my pillow just in time before she enters the room.

It's not a big room, but it is large enough for both mine and Alexis' single beds, a desk and one wardrobe, which Lexi claimed the second we moved in. My wardrobe is in the kitchen/living room.

"What's up?" I sit up, giving her enough space to sit.

"Annabelle invited me to sleep over her's tonight... is that Ok?" I can see the pleading in her eyes as she asks.

"Sure, but you don't stay up too late, ok? You have school tomorrow."

"Thank you!" She beams, hugging me.

"So," she pauses.


"What were you doing before?"

"Before what?" I ask innocently.

A fourteen year old shouldn't need to worry about whether we can afford to continue using WiFi, just so we can have enough money for food this week.

"Fine. Don't answer me. Just know that whatever it is, we'll be ok." She smiles, standing up.

She starts getting her pyjamas and school uniform and puts them into her spare bag.

"Don't let your uniform get creased. Hang it up as soon as you can." I remind her. "And thank her parents." I mother.

"I will, don't worry." She zips her bag up, throwing it over her shoulder.

She starts walking towards the door, making me laugh.

"Your school bag!" I laugh harder as she runs back into the room, nearly falling flat on her face.

"Bye, sis!" We shout at the same time, before she closes the door.

I pull up the pillow, grabbing my note book and the bills.

I spend another hour trying to work things out, before finally giving up.

I grab my phone, calling my bestfriend, Jessica.

She answers on the third ring.

"SHUT UP, IM ON THE PHONE!" I hear her scream, making me hold the phone at arm length.

"Sorry about that. Tyra and Jason were arguing over Coke and Pepsi, again." She laughs.

Will they ever give up?

"Don't worry about it. Where are you guys?"

"My house. You want me to come pick you up?" The hope in her voice makes me feel guilty. It's been nearly four days since we last saw each other.

I've just been so worried about money resantaly.

"Please." I smile.

"Give me ten minutes." She squeals.


556 words. I know this isn't a lot, but it's just the first chapter.

Please, please, please comment your thoughts!!!


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