Chapter 11

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Grace's POV

(WARNING: lots of talk of and scenes of rape)

"Get the fuck out of here!" I scream at the ginger boy. Now that I know who he his, I'll be sure to give his name to the police along with Jayden's. If that's what Alexis wants.

Alex and Dylan come bounding into the room as I pull Lex's underwear up and her dress down. She's not even awake!

I look behind me, over to where Jayden is pacing (with his dick back in his pants) and mumbling to himself. Alex grabs him by the jaw and pins him to the wall.

"What the fuck? Did you rape her?" He growls

"I walked in on him raping her!" I cry before Jayden has a chance to lie.

Alex instantly draws his hand back and forces it into his brothers face. Jayden falls to the floor, clutching his jaw.

"You fucking scum!" Alex screams.

I begin to ignore the brothers as I try and wake my (passed out) sister up. Dylan comes over to try and help me but I push him off her.

"Lex! Lex, please wake up..." I cry as I try and pick her up. I fail as her dead weight prevents me from holding her up.

I storm over to Jayden. "Did you drug her!? What did you give her?" My thumb and index finger dig into his cheeks as I scream in his face.

"I-I don't know. Lewys T gave her a drink. I-I don't know what was in it. I swear!" He looks terrified. Good.

I dig my nails onto his cheek, not enough to draw blood, but enough for it to hurt him. Alex has no objections.

I look around to find Dylan has disappeared. That's when I notice that the music has stopped playing and the whole house is quiet. He must have gone to get everyone out of the house...


Lexi's POV

"Are we seriously doing this?" I whisper-laugh nervously as I begin the short climb down the tree on the side of Emilia's house. She giggles back as a response.

"Grace is gonna KILL me, if she finds out." I smile as we run down the street to where Jayden's friend, Lewys, is picking us up in his car. Lewys is eighteen and helped Jay to organise the party behind Alex's back.

"Hey!" Em practically splits her face in half with her smile.

"Alright." He chuckles as he looks back at us.

"Hi." I practically whisper. I don't do well with new people, let alone an eighteen year old.


"Shots! Shots! Shots!" Em screams into my ear as she drags me into the kitchen.

"Noooo!" I laugh, secretly wanting too.

It's not long before we have downed 3 shots of vodka each and are dancing like there is no tomorrow. Lewys and Jayden walk over and dance with us for a while and we have a few drinks together.

That's where my memory for the night ends and my confusion of waking up in my own bed starts.

I can hear muffled talking from the living room and I already know I am in trouble. I must have blacked out last night and ended up doing something stupid if Em phoned Grace. After all, she was the most worried about Grace finding out, just in case she told her mum and we both got grounded.

Oh god. I tense up as I hear footsteps approaching the door. "Lex?!" Grace calls through the door. Why doesn't she just walk in? It's her room too...

I lay down and pretend to be asleep. I can't be arsed to have an argument when I've only just woken up. I close my eyes just in time as she pushes the door open. I sense her walking over to the bed, then I feel the bed dip by my feet.

I just lay there in silence for a few moments, but then I hear her sniffling. Is she crying? Why?

"I'm so sorry, Lex." She cries, placing a hand on my blanket covered leg. Why is she sorry?

"I-I should have been there. I should have been more careful." My heart squeezes at her guilt filled cries. "I love you so much. I'm so sOrRY!" She can't help the strangled sob that escapes her as she apologizes to me as I 'sleep'.


Gracie's POV

I walk out of the bedroom and over to Dylan on the sofa. "Come here." He says softly. One of his hands goes to the small of my back and the other takes my hand and helps him pull me down onto his lap.

I bury my head into his chest as he pulls me closer. He cradles me, almost like a baby as he strokes my hair and holds me in his arms. I unconsciously ball his shirt up in my hands as I become overwhelmed with images of last night.

Images of her dress hoisted up. Her laying on her back, pinned down. Him inside her. My fist hitting his face. Alex beating him. Dylan carrying her into his car. Putting her to bed - still in her slightly ripped dress. Crying myself to sleep in Dylan's arms.

Waking up crying in Dylan's arms. Having a panic attack while worrying about telling her. Dylan calming me down. Apologizing to Lexi while she slept, oblivious to what happened to her.

"Hey," He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up so I'm forced to look into his eyes. "Hey, she'll be ok eventually. She's strong. And she has you, Dan, Charlie and me to look out for her." He lets me drop my head slightly and rests his chin on my head.

The clicking of the bedroom door pulls me out of my thoughts and makes my heart speed up.


950 words...

1) I am sorry this was such a depressing chapter 

2) I am sorry it was so short

3) If anyone needs to talk... I am always here xxx


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