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Someone requested for me to explain my last note on chapter 14.

I plan to end the story soon and begin another one. (maybe: looking back on this, I might not have time)

But since school is starting soon, I won't be able to update every Saturday anymore because of school and sports and everything. So you can't expect me to update on every Saturday anymore. I will still update as much as I can, and try to get a chapter out every week.

So to wrap things up:

The plot is coming to an end. 

I will try my best to tie up any loose ends. If you see a loose end and want me to clarify, message me and I'll either give you an explanation or write a chapter on it.

However, I haven't written the rest of the story yet. So I'll just write and update whenever I have a chapter completely written.

If you have any questions, comment on this chapter, please.

P.S. when I write a new story, what should the ship be? I'm going to either do a BMC or a DEH, and I have a few ship picked out.

Arson Bros: After the Fire

Kleinsen: Flowers Aren't Pretty Anymore

Kleinphy: I Walk Wrong

Michael/The Squip: I Do Not Sponsor Super Quantum Unit Intel Processors

Kleinsen: Taking Pictures

Meremine: I Don't Know What You See In Her

Comment: which one should I do next? I plan on doing all of them at some point.

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