My mate might be a little angry

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*****Taconnie's prov****

I was still in my giggle fit when my so called mate, regained composer of himself. I wish I could say the same for myself. Noticing that we were drawing the attention of the others towards us. Also seeing the shocked faces of the mated couple , I looked up to see a not very happy mate glaring at me. I wonder what's got his boxers in a twist. I gulped and tired to make a joke.

"what's the matter your balls still have'nt came back down from me kicking them?" laughing a little Looked around to see if anyone was laughing with me , no one was. I heard a growl and I looked back a him to see that now he was shaking. Well this isn't good I though to myself. I looked at a  girl who mouthed to me "Run". Doing just that I ran into the pride house and up a couple flights of stairs. Hearing a firmilar growl I looked over the hand rail to see that my mate wasn't far behind me. I had to think quick , with that thought I darted into a unlocked room. I shamed the door shut , I let out a breath of relive. Turning a I seen a shocked naked couple on the the bed. I quicking shielded my eyes the best that I could.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry !" I stutterd " I didn't relize someone was in here!" I said while trying to find the dooe handle with my eyes covered.

" Don't worry I didn't see anything!" I said  which was true well for the girl at least I just seen the guy.

 Then I heard  that voice.


I quickly unsheild my eyes to see a shocked Lila and Jordan

"Lila!" I said in surprise.

Lila climed off the bed and I reshielded my eyes, I think I'm scared for life.

"For god  sake Lila put something on" I yelled at her " I haven't seen this much of you since that incedent at camp!" I said. 

After a few moments Lila told me it was safe to look both her and Jordan were dressed.

"Taconnie don't be such ababy about it." Lila said while Jordan was trying to hold in laughter, Lila just glared at him.

" What did you think you would have saw" Lila went on a rant

" We are a mated coulpe so it only natural to do , what you saw us doing." I felt like lila was tying to explain it to me as child.

" Don't speak to me as if my a child that just caught her partents doing!" I said a little heated

" Well what were you doing burging in here like that?" Lila asked . Her asking that question made me remeber the reall reseason I was in here, to get away from my angry mate.

"Well for one most people keep the door locked  while have sex and two I might of made my mate angry from making fun of him to much.

just the there was an angry growl at the door, I knew it was him so i hid behind Lila. Jordan looked at me nervously .

"who" is your mate again?" Jordan asked . Then something seem to dawn on him.

"No way your Pride leader Blake's mate!" he said shocked, I just shurgged my shoulders.

"Guess so?'' "Never really caught his name." I said while looking at Lila who was just shaking her head.

"What?" I asked getting annoyed with people not tell me whats going on.

"Taconnie you never run away from your mate and not with a Pride leader at that!" she yell at me while shaking me the shoulders.

" I have to let him in; he's my learder" Jordan said while going to the door to unlock it.

"No! you can't" I said while running and tackling Jordan to the floor .

Just then there was a boom and bang; and where the door once was stood a exstreamly pissed off mate in it's place. Knowing that it probably didn't look good because I was laying on top of Jordan from tacking him. Blake just had pure rage in his eyes;while advancing towards us. I got off Jordan and turned a round for an escape, not finding I decide to go though Blake, well his legs at least. Darting underneath  Blake's long legs; I most made it , I say all most because blake caught a hold of my foot and started drag me back towards him. Getting the levrage that I needed to spin on to my back, I managed to kick him in the face. He sure let go of my foot , but I didn't get far beacuse before I could react Blake though me over his shoulder and walked out of the room.

We went down the hallway and up a flight of stairs, before we came to what I guessing was his bedroom door. He open the door and walked over to the bed, thoughing roughly on top of it. I bounced abit from the fall but settled down.

" Hey watch it!" I said to him in a sneer trying to make me look like I wasn't a afraid. Blake just glared at me while going off to the bathroom I guess. I looked at the door, I probably make it out of here before he came out.Going to get off the bed I put my foot on the grouned, then I heard his voice.

" Don't even think about it" I turned a around to see Blake leaning against the frame of  the bathroom. I decide to brake the silance.

" So.... can I go now " I asked shyly. He just growl in resposnse , I knew that was a stupid question to ask him. 

Blake stalked towards me, where I was sitting on the bed. Putting his hands on niether side of me , while leaning in so close I could smell his minty breath and traping in the bed. His delious lips where so close to mine I thought he was going to kiss me.

"What I'm I thinking his delious lips my ass , get it together Taconnie gees." thought to myself . With our closeness I really seen just how beauitful he really was. His lips then moved closer to my ear and whisper in to it.

" Never in a million years, not that you'll want to anyway" He said while pulling back and give me a wink. With that he walked out of the room closeing the door and locking it behinde him.

I gasped ( what a cocky son of a bitch ) wait until he see that I don't need a mate.


Hey readers bellesmist17 here

I really would like some feed back on how you guys like the story so far  I can take critism aslong as it isn't hateful

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