Newt - I hate you

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I waved when I saw Minho walking up to me. I scowled when I noticed Newt was behind him. I took a break from my current task of taking inventory of the medical supplies that had come up today, along with our new greenie.

"Hey Minnie! What's up?" I greeted my friend, completely ignoring the slinthead behind him. "You're early today."

He put an arm around me, giving me a side-hug. "Hey Y/N/N! You still alive?" He pretended to check my pulse. I whacked him upside the head, as he laughed. "Calm down she-bean! Now listen, this shucking shank here has been complaining about stomach pain for ages and frankly I'm tired of it. Take a look at him will ya?"

My good mood vanished at once, and I tried my hardest not to scowl. "Alright," I sighed. "Make me suffer. Make me do so much work. Alas, if only you cared for me!" I exclaimed, being my usual over-dramatic self.

He just snorted and walked off shaking his head. I internally sighed. The sooner this was over, the better. I sat him down and asked him the usual questions, "Where does it hurt?", "When did you last eat?" yada yada yada. In the end I just gave him some pain-killers and politely told him to get lost.


I munched happily on my food as we all sat around the bonfire. Minho had gone to get me some more food, and I was sitting against a log, waiting, next to the greenie, for him to return. When he finally did show up, he was holding someone's wrist, dragging him along. Someone being Newt.

I internally groaned. Why Minho, why? I decided to ignore him and continued talking to the greenie, whose name I learned was Graham. He was actually pretty nice, making all sorts of jokes, so I was laughing like crazy.

Minho plopped down next to me, and swung his arm around my shoulder. I scowled again as Newt sat down opposite me. "I thought you said she wouldn't be here?" He said, glaring at me.

"Why do you bring him here?" I glared back.

Minho looked between us two. "Calm down you two! Can't I enjoy one minute without having to stop you two from biting each other's heads off?" That was a definite no. I hated him. Seriously, who did he think he was? We hadn't got along, right from the start. That boy was worse than Gally for crying out loud!

"Well if he'd stop being a constant jerk! Then everything would be fine!"

"Oh you're one to talk shuckface! You're the one who's constantly arguing with me!"

"Me? Says the guy who tells me I'm not doing my own job correctly, when he should be focusing on his!"

And just like that, we started fighting again. I didn't realise Alby had come up until he was right in front of us. "Will you two stop it?! Some of us would like to relax, and we can't with you two fighting all the time!"

"We're not fighting, we're having a heated debate." He said.

"No, we're not having a 'heated debate', you're trying to pick a fight and I'm calmly telling you to shut up!"

"Calmly?! Calmly?! Calmly my arse!"

"That's it!" Alby screamed. "Get up, both of you. Get up!" He started dragging us away from the bonfire. He took us all the way to the slammer and made us get in. "You two, are going to stay in there until you can learn to get along! You two need to stop!"

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