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      BANG! BANG! THUD! Everyone froze. The mighty captain of Rakuzan's basketball team, Akashi Seijuro, had just been taken down by a basketball.

      "Akashiii!" Hayama shrieked. He and the rest of the team ran to Akashi's side.

      Hayama kneeled down behind the captain and tried gently shaking him awake. "Akashi! Akashi, wake up!" When no response came from the red-haired boy, Hayama pushed him up to a sitting position. He gasped. "Look! He's bleeding!" A small line of blood trickled down from where the ball had hit Akashi, making its way down his left cheek.

      "Don't hold him up!" Reo yelled. "Lay him down! Everyone, give him some space!" Hayama set Akashi back down on the ground, and everyone moved out of the way for Reo. Reo kneeled down next to Akashi, and immediately checked the boy's pulse, placing two fingers on the boy's wrist. His heart rate was fine, and he was breathing normally. Reo checked the spots where Akashi had hit his head- only the left side was bleeding.

      "Nebuya, go get the first aid kit," Reo ordered. "Hayama, go get his things from his locker. Somebody call an ambulance!"

      "They're on their way," the coach said, putting away his cell phone. He walked to the other side of the gym where everyone was crowded around Akashi.

      Nebuya returned with the first aid kit, and Hayama with Akashi's things. Reo took the first aid kit, and began to gingerly wrap medical tape around Akashi's head, trying not to aggravate the boy's wounds. Meanwhile, the coach had taken off Akashi's shoes and placed the boy's feet on top of his school bag; this was to elevate the boy's legs with the hope of helping him regain consciousness.

      It has been at least a few minutes, the coach thought. He should have been awake by now...

      "Everyone, go run laps around the school," the coach said, sensing how dire the situation was becoming. "Reo, since you are the vice captain, you will lead."

      As soon as Reo finished applying the tape, he stood up and looked at everyone on the team individually. "Come on," he said, his tone growing serious. "You heard the coach. Let's go." Without another word, Reo solemnly led the team out of the gym.

      As soon as the gym door clicked shut behind the team, Akashi let out a low moan from the back of his throat. The coach instantly turned his attention to the boy.

      "Akashi," the coach called, "Akashi, wake up."

      Another deep groan came from Akashi, his voice producing a new low that the coach did not think was possible for the boy. Akashi's head moved to the side slightly, signalling he had heard the coach and he was slowly regaining consciousness. The red-haired captain gradually half-opened his eyes, revealing dilated pupils.

      He must have a concussion, the coach thought. After an impact like that, I would not be surprised.

      "Akashi, can you hear me?" he asked. The boy fixed his tired gaze on the coach. He looked drained, as if all of his energy had been suddenly knocked out of him with that one blow. "How do you feel?" the coach pressed. Akashi blankly stared into space. He seemed dazed, as if he was having a hard time concentrating on what the coach was saying. When he didn't give a response right away, the coach knew something was wrong.


      "Tired," the boy finally responded. "I have a headache....and I'm nauseous....."

      "Do you remember what happened?"

      Akashi squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to recall the event that led him to where he was. What could have led him to be in this position? What were the order of events that could have caused him to now be on the gym floor?...And why couldn't he remember what they were?


      He opened his eyes at the sound of his name. "......No...," he said, "....I don't..."

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