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TIME: 2:51 AM

      Akashi-san turned back to the visitors. "Is there a Kuroko here?" 

      Kuroko's eyes shot open. "Yes," he said, as he pulled himself up to a stand. 

      "Seijuro would like to see you," Akashi-san explained. "Don't startle him- it could worsen his condition. If he starts to fall asleep, do not hesitate to come get me. Do you understand? 

      Akashi-kun....don't startle....no sleep....concussion....Yes, I think I understand, Kuroko thought tiredly. He nodded. 

      "Good," Akashi-san said. "I'm also going to need your cellphone. If your ringer goes off while you are visiting my son, it may startle him, which would not be good for his condition." Kuroko immediately complied, handing over the device. 

      Akashi-san held open the door for Kuroko, and quietly closed it behind him as the phantom man made his way inside. 

      A wide smile made its way onto Akashi's face as soon as Kuroko entered the room. "Hello, Kuroko," he called from his bed. 

      "Hello, Akashi-kun," Kuroko replied, a concerned look now on his face. Seeing his friend in the hospital, hooked up to an EEG unit, made his stomach drop. Worry and genuine concern built up inside of him- he had to know if his friend was okay. "How are you feeling?" he asked, taking a seat in the chair to Akashi's right.

      "Better," the red-haired boy replied, "but not well. This concussion is starting to give me another headache...." 

      "How did you get your concussion?" Kuroko asked.

      "I've been told that a freshman missed Mayuzumi's Ignite Pass Kai, and the ball hit me in the head," Akashi started. "My father tells me that it was nearly very serious- I was unconscious for two hours........" 

      The words Kuroko was hearing started to meld together, until all he heard was a murmur. He suddenly felt his fatigue hit him at full force. The weight of his tiredness became unbearably heavy on the poor boy, dragging him into a deep sleep...

      "........Strangely, I can't remember any of this happening," Akashi continued. "I-" 

      The red-haired boy stopped midsentence, noticing how quiet the room suddenly was. He looked over to Kuroko and chuckled- The poor phantom had fallen asleep. Kuroko was slouched down in his chair, his head bent forward so that his chin rested on his chest. He did seem unnaturally exhausted when he walked in, Akashi reasoned. It makes sense that he would fall asleep.

      The door clicked open, revealing his father. "Seijuro, your- did he fall asleep?" he asked, referring to Kuroko. 

      Akashi nodded. 

      "Your other friends have fallen asleep in the waiting room," Akashi-san explained. "I've arranged for them to stay at our house for the night. They'll be able to visit you in the morning." 

      "How did you arrange this all so quickly, Father?" Akashi inquired.

      "I had your friends hand over their cellphones," Akashi-san clarified. "If their parents had decided to call them, I was worried that the ringer would be too loud. Any loud noise would have given you a headache. With their cellphones, I simply called their parents." 

      "How will we move them to our house?" 

      "I called our butler, Paul," Akashi-san said. "He'll be here shortly with a limousine." The boy's father paused. "You should be grateful that you have faithful friends, Seijuro." 

      Akashi smiled. "I am, Father." 

      As soon as his friends heard that he was in the hospital, they had come to see him. It didn't matter how early in the morning it was or how tired they were- they wanted to make sure he was okay. I'm so blessed to have friends like them, Akashi thought. Thank you, God, for my friends- the Generation of Miracles. Amen.

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