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TIME: 2:05 AM

      "What do we do now?!" Kise cried, clearly still hyped up on the five or so cups of coffee he had before arriving. 

      While the other Generation of Miracles discussed their options, Kuroko looked back into the lobby through the glass doors. Another nurse, much younger than the one at the front desk, entered the lobby from a side hallway. She walked up to the front desk and started talking to the nurse. By the way she smiled while she talked, Kuroko could tell that this nurse had a kind disposition- overall, she seemed like a gentle, caring person. He couldn't hear what the two nurses were saying, but soon the first nurse got up, gave the new nurse her chair, and left the lobby. This could be our opportunity to find Akashi-kun, Kuroko thought. 

      "We should try again," He suggested. 

      The Generation of Miracles stared at him, brows knit in confusion. 

      "Tetsu, are you insane?" Aomine asked, fatigue dripping from his voice.

      "The probability of that nurse letting us go see Akashi is zero out of one million, nanodayo," Midorima stated.

      "You're wrong, Midorima-kun," Kuroko said bluntly. He pointed back at the front desk. "Look."

      The boys all looked through the glass door. 

      "A new nurse!" Kise exclaimed. 

      "Maybe this one is nicer..." Murasakibara reasoned.

       Midorima rubbed his chin. "You have a point, Murasakibara."

      Aomine shrugged. "It's worth a try."

      Kuroko smiled. "Let's do it- for Akashi-kun." 

      As he took a step towards the automatic door, Midorima stopped him. "Wait," he said. "What if somebody sees us? We can't risk a security guard or any other hospital personnel reporting us to the first nurse. If they don't agree with the second nurse letting us see Akashi-kun, they may force us to visit him in the morning. We need a plan to avoid drawing attention while we look for Akashi's room."

      Aomine nodded. "Yeah...but how?" 

      Suddenly, inspiration struck the Generation for Miracles. They all turned to Kuroko. 

      Clueless, the phantom player blinked. "What?" 

      "You can use your misdirection, Tetsu!" Aomine said. 

      "I don't think I can misdirect attention away from six people, Aomine-kun," Kuroko argued politely.

      "Actually, you can," Midorima countered. "Because you're tired, Kuroko, your normal misdirection has run out. You're running on misdirection overflow, which would allow you to misdirect the nurse's attention away from six people instead of one, nanodayo. Logically, this plan makes perfect sense." Midorima really didn't know if the plan would work, but it was worth a try. Scientifically speaking, it had potential. Besides, it was better than getting caught trying to bust down some side door.

      Kuroko shrugged. "Okay. For Akashi-kun." 

      With a new resolve in mind, the Generation of Miracles walked back through the doors. This time, Midorima was the one who approached the nurse. "Um, excuse me, Ma'am, we're looking for Akashi Seijuro's room. He's a friend of ours."

      The nurse smiled sadly. "I'm so sorry....Visiting hours ended. You'll have to come back in the morning."

      "We can't!" Kise suddenly cried out. "What if he dies?!"

      The nurse's eyes widened. "Ah....Let me check my computer!...It says your friend is in stable condition. So, please! Don't worry! Your friend will still be there tomorrow morning!"

      "We understand, ma'am," Midorima stated solemnly, pushing his glasses further up his nose, "but we need to see him with our own eyes." He looked down at his feet. "He called us a few hours ago to tell us what happened. We're...scared that with his concussion, he won't be able to remember us tomorrow.....That's really why we came down here- to make sure he still remembered us, and all the good times we've shared." 

      Tears formed in the young nurse's eyes. "I...I can't...I...Alright." She scribbled something on a piece of paper and quickly handed it to the boy. "Here! Go find your friend!"

      Midorima offered her a small smile. "Thank you, ma'am. Have a good night."

      Wiping away her tears, she sniffled. "You too!"

      The Generation of Miracles made their way down the hall. As soon as they turned the corner and were out of hearing range, Aomine slapped Midorima's back. "Nice job Midorima!" He praised. "Those were some good lies back there!"

      "Nothing I said was a lie," he said gravely. "I'm worried about him,....as I'm sure the rest of you are, nanodayo." 

      Midorima was right- each of them was genuinely concerned about Akashi. They hoped their friend and former captain was recovering well....and his memory was intact. They'd hate to see Akashi forget them after all they've been through....

      "Kuroko, start using your misdirection," Midorima ordered, breaking through all of their thoughts.

      Kuroko nodded. All of a sudden, everything started moving in slow motion for the phantom sixth man. He watched doors of each room, misdirecting the attention of any patients who could see into the hall. With his misdirection overflow in full effect, Kuroko led his friends down one of the halls of the first floor...  

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