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TIME: 2:23 AM

      Everyone filed into the elevator, with Midorima and Murasakibara in the back and Aomine with Kise (and Kuroko) in the front. Looking over the number panel with the floor numbers, Aomine pushed the second floor button. 

      "What are you doing, Aominecchi?" Kise asked. 

      "What do you mean, Kise?"

      "Why did you push that button?"

      "We're going to the second floor. Why?" 

      "I want to go to the seventh floor!" 

      "Why would you want to go there?" 

      "I think Akashicchi is there!!" 

      "What makes you think he's on the seventh floor?!" 

      "That's my jersey number! It's a great number!!" 

      "Then we should go to the fifth floor!!" 


      "That's MY jersey number!!" 

      "We're going to the SEVENTH floor!!" 




      Within seconds, Aomine and Kise started an all-out, everything-goes fight. While they fought, they continuously bumped into the number panel, effectively pushing every button on the panel. 

      Midorima and Murasakibara soon found themselves pinned against opposite corners in the back of the elevator. 

       "OWWW! Stop it, you idiots!!" Midorima shouted. "We need to go to the second floor!! The second floor!!!!" 

      "Ow, Aominchin. Ow, Kichin," Murasakibara whined. "Stop fighting..." 

      Suddenly, the elevator opened up, revealing a man dressed in mostly black clothes, except for a small bit of white in his shirt collar. It was a priest- Father Maikeru. 

      He couldn't believe his eyes: Aomine, with Kuroko still slung over his left shoulder, had his right foot against the right side of Kise's face. Kise was busy trying to kick Aomine, his right leg in mid-air. He was also trying to stop Midorima from touching the buttons at the same time, holding the green-haired boy back with his left hand. Meanwhile, Murasakibara stood against the back wall, hopelessly trapped by the three other boys.

      The Generation of Miracles all froze when they noticed the priest. Father Maikeru stared back at the boys with wide eyes, astonished by the scene in front of him. He suddenly burst out laughing. He bent over, holding his sides, trying to contain himself but to no avail. The entire scene was just ridiculous! Who were these boys? Why did they all have different colored hair? And why was one of them passed out, and being carried by the dark-blue haired one? After a minute or two, Father Maikeru was able to wipe away the tears forming in his eyes, settle his breathing, and compose himself. 

      "What are you boys up to this late at night?" he asked, stepping into the elevator. 

      "We're here to visit our friend, Akashi Seijuro," Midorima answered. The boys returned to normal standing positions, now that they were in the presence of a priest. 

      "Oh, I just visited him," Father Maikeru said. "I can take you down to his room if you want." 

      They all blinked. "Really?" Kise and Aomine asked simultaneously. 

      "Sure," Father Maikeru replied. He took a look at the lighted button panel and chuckled. "But first it looks like we'll be taking a trip to every floor." 

      As the elevator door began to close, Aomine smacked the back of Kise's head.  

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