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      After checking with the help desk, Father Maikeru found out where Seijuro was- the second floor. He was just finishing up a CT scan. The two men rushed down from the third floor to the second floor, and burst into the CT scanning room. 

      "Father Maikeru! What are you doing here?!" one of the doctors asked. 

     Father Maikeru walked past the doctor and up to Seijuro, who lay unconscious on a hospital gurney, hooked up to an ambulatory EEG. The machine was monitoring his brain function, showing how the boy was in a coma-like state without medication. 

      "Hi, Masa-san," he said to the doctor. "I need to perform an Anointing of the Sick on this boy." 

      "You can't do that!" another doctor argued. "We're getting him ready to be put into a medically induced coma!" 

      Father Maikeru turned to the doctor. "Are you infringing on this patient's religious rights, doctor?" 

      "No, I-"

      "Then allow me to proceed with this holy Sacrament." With that, he placed his suitcase on the ground, opened it up, and took out a small, green prayer book. The priest began to pray, but Akashi-san couldn't hear what he was saying- Akashi-san was too consumed with worry over Seijuro. What if nothing happened? What if Seijuro died before Father Maikeru was finished? What then? Akashi-san pushed these thoughts out of his head, attempting to refocus on the Sacrament. 

      Father Maikeru turned around to face him. "Come here, Akashi-san." Akashi-san took a few steps forward, standing now directly next to the gurney. He looked down at his son, and forced himself to hold back his tears. His son was so pale- most of the color had drained from his face. He lay limp on the gurney, unmoving. If Akashi-san didn't know any better, he would have thought Seijuro was simply sleeping, completely oblivious to the world around him. My poor son......


      Akashi-san turned to face Father Maikeru. "Yes?"

     "I need you to say a prayer over your son. Just put your hands just above his head, and pray to God for your son's strength through this time of illness."

      Akashi-san nodded, and put his hands where the priest had directed him to. Oh, God, he silently and desperately prayed. Please, save my son, Seijuro. He has a very severe concussion...He...he could die tonight...Please, let him live. I want to be a better father to him...Please, hear my prayer. I know I have not been to church in years, but please have pity on my son. Heal him, please. Amen...

      When he was done, Akashi-san stepped back, lowering his hands, and looked to Father Maikeru. The priest placed his hands just above Akashi's head, and began to pray silently. After a few minutes or so, he lowered his hands. 

      He then bent down to his suitcase, and took out a small glass bottle of the Oil of the Sick. Using the honey-colored Oil, he made a cross on Seijuro's forehead, and both of Seijuro's hands, thus anointing the boy. While anointing, Father Maikeru said, "Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up."

      He stepped back, and made the sign of the cross in front of Seijuro, blessing him. He then made the sign of the cross on himself, and said "Amen." (A/N: When the priest made the sign of the cross here, he made a cross in the air. In other words, with a flat hand, he went up, down, to the left and the right to form a cross.)

      Taking the cue from Father Maikeru, everyone else in the room made the sign of the cross on themselves and said "Amen." (A/N: To make the sign of the cross, you touch your index finger to the middle of your forehead, then the middle of your chest, your left shoulder, and your right shoulder.)

      With that, the priest put the Oil and prayer book back in his suitcase, closed it, and came back to a stand. "I will keep your son in my prayers, Akashi-san," Father Maikeru said. "May God Bless him-"

      Beep! Beep! Beep! Akashi's head moved slightly to his left, and he let out a small moan. "Oh my goodness! His brain is functioning normally again!" Masa-san exclaimed. 

      "He's in a dream state!" the other doctor cried out. "He'll be waking up soon! Quick- get him to a room!" 

      Akashi-san felt his knees suddenly buckle, and he dropped to the ground. Seijuro is alive, he thought. He's going to be okay...God heard my prayers- He saved my son. The doctors in the room rushed Seijuro's gurney out of the room, leaving Akashi-san and Father Maikeru alone.

      Father Maikeru helped Akashi-san up to a stand. "Are you alright?" 

      Akashi-san nodded. He took the priest's hand and shook it. "Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much this means to me- to know that my son will be okay!" he said, breathless. 

      Father Maikeru gave him a warm smile. "It wasn't me- it was God." The priest packed up his suitcase. "That's the healing power of God right there." 

      Akashi-san's face hardened with resolve. "I will start going to church regularly. I want to become a practicing Catholic again." 

      Father Maikeru smiled. "I'm glad. Now," he placed a hand on Akashi-san's shoulder, "don't you want to be there when your son wakes up?" 

      Akashi-san's eyes widened. "Yes. Thank you Father Maikeru, and goodbye." With that, Akashi-san sprinted down the hall after the gurney, filling to the brim with hope and anticipation- he couldn't wait to see his son.

 More information on Anointing of the Sick:

(the line that Father Maikeru said during the anointing is taken from this source, which used the CCC as a source: the Catechism of the Catholic Church)  

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