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TIME: 2:47 AM

      After visiting every floor of the hospital, including the basement, the Generation of Miracles and Father Maikeru arrived at the second floor. The priest then led the boys to the other side of the building, and down to room 213- Akashi's room. 

      When they finally arrived, Father Maikeru turned back to face Aomine. "You should wake your friend," the priest suggested, referring to Kuroko. "I'll bet he wants to see Seijuro just as much as you do." 

      Aomine placed Kuroko down in a nearby chair and gently shook the phantom's shoulder. "Oi, Tetsu," he called. "Wake up." 

      Kuroko's eyelids fluttered open. His tired eyes looked around- he didn't recognize the hall he and his friends were in. The poor phantom tried to remember how they had got there, but he could barely recall what had happened since he had gone to sleep last night....or was it earlier tonight? "Where are we, Aomine-kun?" 

      "We're outside Akashi's room," the ace replied. 

      "Oh." Now, he remembered- well, kind of, anyway. Trying to force himself awake, Kuroko rubbed his eyes. He was so tired. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open. His fatigue was weighing down on him, getting heavier and heavier.....

      "Is your friend awake?" Father Maikeru asked. 

      Aomine studied Kuroko. His eyes were half-open. "Close enough." 

      Father Maikeru shrugged and knocked quietly on the door. After a moment's pause, an older, middle-aged man came to the door. He was obviously tired. Bags were starting to form under his eyes, which were glazed over from lack of sleep. His hair was messed up as if he had just woken up, only to answer the door. He straightened himself up slightly, seeing the priest, and cleared his throat. 

      "Oh, Father Maikeru, hello," he said. "What brings you back so soon? And who are your...associates?" 

      The priest smiled. "Hello, Akashi-san." 

      Akashi-san?! The Generation of Miracles thought. He was Akashi's father?!? The legendary owner of Akashi Corporation?! The boys were speechless- they had never met the man who singlehandedly built one of the Japan's most well-known corporation. As Akashi's father, and one of Japan's most powerful businessmen, would he be like the real Akashi, or the Akashi that possessed the Emperor Eye

      "I found these boys in the elevator on the way back to the chapel," Father Maikeru continued, interrupting the boys' thoughts. "They say they've come to visit Seijuro?" 

      Akashi-san's brow furrowed. Were these boys really his son's friends? If so,...why did they all have such strangely colored hair? 

      He turned back into the hospital room. "Seijuro," he said, looking at his son, "do you have any friends with...colored hair?" 

      Akashi nodded. "Yes, those are my friends," he said, a smile forming on his face. He couldn't believe they came- even if it was nearly three in the morning, they had fought fatigue and miles of subway systems to come see him. Akashi couldn't be happier. "Please, let them in." 

      "Seijuro, if we let all your friends in at once, they might startle you," his father argued. "How about we allow one friend in at a time?" 

      It did seem logical, and it was probably better for his concussion if he only saw one member of the Generation of Miracles at a time. Maybe he should start with the member he knew would never startle him, just to be safe. "Alright," Akashi agreed. "Please, send Kuroko in."  

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