Chapter 9

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Jaylen P.O.V.

Bree if you are reading this you probably have figured out that I am dead. Breelyn you are still my world but you need someone to make you happy. I screwed up our relationship, you and I both know this. You will be happier with somebody else. Somebody else who isn't as fucked up as I am. I will always love you Breelyn. Take care of my kids baby and the twins. Let them know their dad loved them and always cared for them.

Jaeda - You are my princess baby girl. You were my first born and nobody and nothing can take the special place you have in my heart. Never forget me baby girl. I love the young lady you have grown into and I want nothing but the best for you. Stay in school and graduate get a job and find a husband. Don't be dating all those little thugs, your mom and I want whats better for you. I love you Princess ♥

Harlem - I remember when you were born. I had a son, my first son. I was so happy and I loved you unconditionally. Your father Harlem was a great boyfriend and step in father for Breelyn and Jaeda. He saved Jaeda's life and I have nothing but respect for your father. Don't get caught up in the streets Harlem, do something with your life. Find somebody you can make a family with and have me some grand kids. Your father, Harlem and I love you and don't forget that. You the coolest kid I know. You have an amazing mom and two fathers who will be looking over you in heaven. Don't think that I didn't love you, the words I said that day were out of anger and I'm sorry. I'm taking the coward way out of my problems, don't be a coward like me. Face life and live it to the fullest. I love you man ♥

Jalil - Lil man when you were born we knew that you were going to be a little shy and soft spoken. Grow out of it. I'm just kidding. I will always be by your side and be with you when ever you go through things that seem hard. Keep pushing. Jaeda and Harlem got to live with me a little bit longer but I will forever be in your heart. On your 18th birthday mom will have a gift from me and it will always remind you of me. Remember the good times we had son. I love you lil man ♥

Rico - Don't fuck up man. Keep Gia around she is a good one like your mother so hang on to her. Raise that kids to be better than you. We all have flaws and we all make mistakes but we have to learn from them. I love you son ♥

I love you Bree and never forget that . ♥♥♥♥



Breelyn P.O.V.

The kids were out back in the hot tub, Mama Mary had left and it was just Kendal and I sitting on the couch. 

"You have a beautiful smile" I smiled.

"Thank you"

"How old are you?"

"I'm  32, I'll be 33 next month. How old are you ?"

"35. If you don't mind me asking how old were you when you had Rico"

"Oh, Rico isn't biologically mine. My ex and I adopted him and he started working for my ex his father. We have been all he knows for a while. I had Jaeda when I was 16, Jaylen and I didn't work out so I went out with my ex from back in the day we didn't work out but remained friends. Jaylen and I tried to work it out but it didn't work I met Harlem, Harlem is my son Harlem's biological father. Harlem died while saving Jaeda from my supposed to be best friend and one of my ex's workers. He was everything to me and it was hard for me to move on. I thought it was us until the end. So I jumped into a relationship that ended in marriage with Jaylen. Ten years of being marriage and one more child. I then found out I was pregnant, again, with twins. Things were said by Jaylen we separated and now we are divorce-"

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