Chapter 13

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"Hey" She said lowly.

"Hi" I said and let out a breath.

"This is my fiance Damien." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Look I know you're wondering why the hell I'm here and I couldn't leave the South without saying, I'm sorry. Breelyn honeslty I am truly sorry and I understand if you never wanted to see me again, hang with me again, or hell talk to me again but I had to say I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you and your family. I was wrong and my actions are unforgivable but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me"

I sat there staring at her for a little bit.

"Bree say something please" I took a deep breath.

"Angie I honestly want to put this baby down and whoop your ass! Girl do you know how fucking much you hurt me? I was so hurt. I thought we were going to be ride or dies till the end. Man I thought you would be here right now as my bestfriend, the godmother of my kids, and as a sister. I missed your friendship so much there were things Aasiayah and I would do but it would never be the same. I know I moved to Atlanta but you let Chance and his bullshit ruin our friendship. Yeah I am glad he is married to Kaila because that is honetly the best thing that has happened to him. Do you know how he was after y'all's breakup? He was a complete fucking mess. That boy really liked your ass. You know what I do forgive you. I never thought I would but I do!. I am trying to fix a lot of things in my life." I got out the bed and put Madison in her plastic crib thing and walked over to Angie and gave her a hug.

We both started crying in eachothers arms. This moment was like the moment when I left for Atlanta. We didn't want to let go.

"Come and meet your two neices" She pulled back and her eyes were wide.

"Yeah come on bitch" We both laughed.

"Aww they are so precious" She was in awe over the,.

"You must be the father?" She looked up to Kendal and smiled. He looked at me and then her smile faded and she looked towards me.

"Bree, what's up"

"These are Jaylens kids but, uhhh Jaylen just passed away" She pulled me into a hug and I broke down again.

"Girl it's going to be okay" We both sat down and Kendal and Damien went outside the room. I ran everything down to her and what she missed. 

Damn I missed ride or die girl.


Breelyn P.O.V.

Its been a few months since I had the twins, a few months since Jaylen's death, and a few months since Angie has been back in my life.

I sat in the rocking chair breast feeding Mariah. Kendal had Madison and was bottle feeding her. I alternate between the two when I breast feed and it's much easier to do that when we are constantly waking up during the night into the early morning. 

Kendal moved in with me to help with the girls. Our relationship has really grown and we have gotten closer. Yeah we moved a little fast but I think that this will be my last relationship, it's my last hoorah. He is such a good man to claim these two sweet babies as his own. One thing in common with Jay, Harlem, and Kendal they have all taken care of someone else child. That is most definitely a good man.

Mariah finished eating and I started burping her. In walks Kendal with a sleeping Madison. 

"Hey" he says as he comes closer to me.

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