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The beige walls never brought Mickey any fond memories. It was the only hall in the school not covered in an abstract color, and if it was not for the fact that it was where the discipline office was, it might have brought him peace.

Mickey remembered the first time he ever got sent to the office for misbehaving. He was six, and it was over some stupid red toy truck. The teacher had confiscated it after he threw it to someone, and Mickey had gotten so mad he kicked her.

Mickey was never good at controlling his emotions, and he didn't bother hiding it. He was not the most stable person around, but he was nothing like his friend Zero, who was probably the most emotionally messed up person he had ever met.

Right now, Mickey was waiting for Zero to take the heat over a fight he didn't start. The actual starter of the fight, Dylan, was over at the nurses office playing victim while Mickey and Zero took blame. It was not fair, if you're going to fight then you have to face the consequences. But then again, Mickey found a way to talk himself out of it, he just got back from suspension and he was not going to ruin it again.

The photography contest was in a few weeks, and he had to make sure he didn't cause too many problems that they wouldn't allow him to enter. After all, he was the best photographer in this busted school, and everyone knew that.

He was sure Zero didn't mind Mickey placing the blame on him. Mickey took one for the team with the last suspension, and if Zero didn't get suspended this time then it was a win- win situation.

The loud sound of the metal door opening filled the dim hall, and Mickey looked over to see a slightly upset Zero walking over.

"A week lunch detention," Zero sighed. "They tried calling my aunt, but she never picks up."

"Only a week?" Mickey asked in disbelief. "He gave me two," Mickey smacked his teeth. So much for getting out of it.

Zero was about to reply when the door opened once more. The head of the discipline center, Mr Stainer walked out with a scowl Mickey recognized far too much.

"Didn't I tell you to get to class ten minutes ago?" He sternly spoke to Mickey. "You want to make that another week, González?"

"No he does not," Zero responded for Mickey. Before he could reply, Zero began walking and dragged Mickey along with him.

"I hate it when he calls me by my surname," Mickey grumbled. "People have first names for a reason."

"At least he doesn't call you different numbers," Zero replied. "Like yeah my name is Zero, but you're named after a mouse. Shouldn't that be funnier?"

"Shut it, One." Mickey said. He glanced to a clock nearby and noticed first block was about to end. "Do you want to wander around until the second block? There's only ten minutes left."

"I would, but don't we have that weird club today? They'll see we skipped first class."

"Oh, right," Mickey muttered. "I still don't understand why I was placed in that club."

"Because your grades suck," Zero pointed out. "What I really don't understand is why i'm there. My grades are fine. I'll pass, you know... as long as I go to summer school- which I have no problem doing." Zero said silent for a minute. "The only good part is I get to see Molly."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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