Chapter 6

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Melanie's POV

I woke up the next morning and all the memories came back to me.

My stomach was rumbling because I skipped dinner last night.

I checked my phone to see if anything happened last night. The only thing I missed was a following spree from Brent. FRICK!!!!!!!

I went downstairs to see dad cooking pancakes, one of my favorites, and Sydney with a huge ass ring on her finger reading the morning paper.

Dad saw me and Sydney whispered something to him.

Paul's (Melanie's dad) POV

"You need to tell her," Sydney whispered in my ear.

"I know. I'm going to," I said shooing her away.

The only reason why I made pancakes was because I had to say sorry to Mel for yelling at her last night and to tell her that Sydney and I are going to get married.

I put 2 pancakes in front of her with butter, syrup, and some mile them began to talk.

"Listen, Mel," I started," I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night during dinner. I only did that because yesterday was 6 years without your mother."

"I know," she said to me. "I figured that out before I went to bed last night."

She took a bite of her breakfast then continued after chewing.

"I'm sorry too, Daddy. I shouldn't have been so rude when you had Sydney over."

Then she said sorry to Sydney for making the night worse.

"Oh, honey, it wasn't your fault. You just wanted to be close to your mother," Sydney told Mel.

"Mel, there's one more thing your father has to tell you," Sydney said looking at dad.

Mel looked at me but I had a weird look on my face.

"Ok. This might be hard for you but...," I started," ...Sydney and I are getting married."

Melanie's POV

"Sydney and I are getting married."

Please tell me those words didn't come out of my dad's mouth.

This is great. First mom dies, then I have my heart ripped out by some asshole(coming later), the. Dad and Sydney are getting married.

I put on a fake smile and said congratulations then went upstairs to get ready for school then it hit me: it's summer.

Happy birthday to me, huh? My birthday is tomorrow and the only thing I want is for my dad and Sydney to break up. And you know, a follow from Brent, but you get the picture.

I decided to get dressed and take my longboard to where my Sweet 16 is being held tomorrow night.

I put on a purple shirt that said "Mel" written across it because my mom made it for me before she died and some white shorts.

I quickly changed and rushed out the door before dad, Jess, or Sydney could say anything to me. I was crying coming down the stairs, so that have me another reason to leave the house faster.

I looked next door to see the house my dad just sold and I swear, I saw some kid looking at me but he turned away. Where have I seen that face before?

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