Chapter 23

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Quick note: this chapter kinda sucks so sorry in advance.


Melanie's POV

When I woke up, Brent was still here. He's so cute when he's asleep.

I still can't believe that Brent and all the Magcon guys are my friends. It sucks how I can't remember meeting them.

I woke up early because these casts are so uncomfortable.

I went on my phone and saw that I had a missed call from my dad.


He doesn't know yet.

I called him and he answered on the first ring.

"Hey baby girl," he said. His voice was tense like he didn't know if I'd call. "How are you girls holding up?"

"Okay. Do you know?" I asked him. It was now or never.

"No! What happened?! Is Jess okay? Are you?"

"Jess is. Me not so much." I said trying not to wake Brent up.

"What do you mean?" His voice was getting tense again.

I told him what happened. The truck. The coma. The broken bones. The amnesia. Everything.

"Oh my god. Thank God you're okay. I can't loose you the same way that I lost your mother," he said almost crying. He never cries.

"This is different," I said crying. "Mom died of a drunk driver. I'm ok, Daddy."

"Where are you? Jess?"

"I'm at the hospital until this afternoon and Jess spent the night at the Riveras with Lexi."

"So you didn't forget about the Riveras," he said.

"I forgot about them moving next door but Brent helped me figure out most things."

"Do you need me to come home early? I was going to spend time at Sydney's until next week but I can come home early if you need me to," he said to me.

"No. Spend time with her. I have people to help me," I told him.

"Okay sweet heart. I love you."

"I love you too daddy. Bye."

"Bye baby."

he hung up and I was left playing stupid games on my phone.

Within a few minuets, the pain came back, but I had no way to get a nurse.

I just put my mind on something else so I couldn't notice the pain.

I really hope that the cops find whoever did this to me. They deserve to go to jail for life.

Luke's POV (oh snap xD)

#yesterday :)

I went to the hospital to see of my plan had worked.

I asked to see Melanie Dawson to the lady at the front desk but she told me that I couldn't go in her room but I could look through the glass to see how she was.

I went to her room and saw that she was in a coma. Perfect.

She also had an oxygen tank to help her breathe, two casts, and she wouldn't remember any of this.

I laughed at my victory and made my way out.

I saw everyone run inside and I ducked my head before anyone could see me.


I know this chapter isn't good. In my defense, I had it all good, but then it got deleted. -.-

I had to make it short because it was getting on my nerves.

I hope you think the next chapter is better.

Wednesday it is. Day before school starts for me 😭


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