Chapter 17

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Melanie's POV

I drove Brent, Lexi, Brice, and Jess home.

When Jess and I got in the house, dad left a note saying that he was going to spend the next week and Sydney's house. Yes! Then he put at the bottom saying that we can have people over, but no funny business. He also said that there was money hidden in his closet.

I texted Brent and told him to invite the guys over to hang out tonight.

He responded in seconds saying that they would be over in 10 minutes.

I took off most of my makeup, what? I can't have guys over and not wear makeup!

I put my hair in a messy bun and put in my PINK sweatpants from Victoria Secrets with a mint green sweater.

Jess did the same thing but only took off all her makeup and put on a hot pink sweater.

We had time before the guys showed up, so we talked about the party.

"Soooooo," I said poking her arm, "did you get Hayes' number?"

"Maybe," she said smiling. "So what happened after Luke left?"

"Well, to sum it up, I was in the middle of a Magcon hug!!!"

We both did a girly scream, which we never do. Jessica never does that, so it felt a little strange.

There was a knock on the door, which means our girl time is over.

Before I could open the door, Jess said "I can't believe that Magcon is gonna hang out at our house."

She's right. I thought I'd be freaking out if that ever happened.

"I thought you would freak out too," Jess said.

God, I'm doing it again.

I opened the door and all the guys were there in sweatpants. God they're hot.

They all came in and say around the TV area.

Hayes and Jess snuggled up next to each other so I guess that they became close at the party.

"Yo! Dawson! Grier! Not to far!" I yelled over to them laughing.

Hayes laughed but Jess just rolled her eyes.

"Umm.. Where's Brent?" I asked looking out the door.

"Ooohhhh," Taylor said, "birthday girls is sad cause her boyfriend ain't here," he said putting out his lip.

"His mom just wanted him to take Becker out," Shawn told me. "But he'll be here soon."

"Like now," Brent said walking up behind me.

We walked to the sofa and I put on Netflix.

"What should we watch?" Cam asked not looking up from his phone. Probably texting Erin.

"I think the birthday girl should decide," Jack G said.

"I agree," I said laughing.

I put on Up because it's my favorite Disney movie.

The main reason why I put it on was because I always cry at the beginning.

As normal, I cried and Brent noticed. He put is arm around me and Jess mouthed 'You did that on purpose' to me. I mouthed back 'Shut up it's my birthday'. She stuck her tongue out at me, so I did the same.

When it got to the part when the guys meet Kevin, Jess was asleep on Hayes' shoulder and he fell asleep with her. They make such a cute couple!

I could hardly keep my eyes open since it was 1:20.

The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was Doug. I felt a pair of lips on my forehead, and fell asleep smiling.

*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of Carter yelling Püma on the top of his lungs.

Brent was awake, but he was still snuggling with me.

I checked my phone and it was 11:02. My dad texted me saying to call him when I get up.

"Guys!" I yelled. "Shut up for a sec! I gotta call my dad."

The Pümas went down as I called him.

"Good morning, Sleepy head," dad said to me. "How was the party?"

"Good. Thank you again for letting me have it there," I said yawning.

"Is Jess up yet?" He asked.

I looked over to her and Hayes. They were both asleep. Still cuddling.

"Not yet," I told him.

"Ok. Well I have to go. I'll see you next week."

"Ok daddy."

"I love you sweetheart. Bye."

"I love you too.""

Once I hung up, the boys went back to yelling.

"Guys come here," I called everyone over. "We should do something to them," I said pointing to Hayes and Jess.

"Smack cam!" Nash said.

"No. Jessica will smack you harder," I told them. "Take it from a victim."

"We could take their picture and post it on Instagram. That's what we did last night with you two," Taylor said.

"What?!?!" I yelled at him.

Everyone started to laugh as I checked my phone. Brent got up and slapped Taylor, so everyone else did too.

I went on Instagram and sure enough, there was a picture of me and Brent asleep. I had my head on his shoulder and his head was on top of mine. He wrapped his arms around me and it looked like he was protecting me.

"You guys suck," Brent said. He was looking at the picture over my shoulder.

"You know, this might be good for the other two," I said smirking.

I took the picture of Hayes and Jessica and captioned it, 'Awww. Young love.'

I tagged them both and on Instagram it went.

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