Parts 81-90

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81. As I was stumbling in the night to get to the washroom, I felt my dog brush against my leg. But then I heard my dog barking upstairs at something else.

82. My son kept giving his food to his imaginary friend. When I chastised for it, he said "That's the only way he will leave you alone." I forbid him from giving him food anymore. I soon regretted it when I woke up feeling a hand on my ankle.

83. When my daughter was 3 she woke up one morning looking rough. I asked if she slept okay and she said, "No ! Popaw Mike kept me up all night pinching my toes !"
My dad, her Popaw Mike, passed away 8 years before she was born and that's how he used to wake my brother and me up when we were little.

84. I lost my boyfriend to a stray bullet a few months back and when I went to visit his little cousin a few days after it happened, he came up to me while I was crying and so I told him that I missed my boyfriend. He gets this confused look on his face and then says "Why? He's sitting on the front porch."

85. Home Alone

The night went slowly with my dad gone for work. I stayed up and waited for his inevitable return. As I laid there in bed, I heard the door creak open. I ran to greet my father and gave him a huge hug. His body felt stiff and his fave looked pale. He must of just been tired from work. He turned around and walked into his room. AsI walked back to my bed, I got a text from dad. I checked and my body went numb when I read "I'm working late tonight sweetie, I'll be hime in a few hours." Who did I just hug?

86. Reincarnation

My friend and I were babysitting her 4 year old cousin one night and she really believed in all that reincarnation stuff and decided to test out her theories on her little cousin. She began asking him questions that he didn't quite understand, but then stated it simply, "what were you before you were (kids name)?" He replied that he was a conductor and waved his hands in the motion that a conductor would. The problem with this was that this little boy was born blind.

87. Crow's Nest

There was this house. 5 little girls and 2 adults were staying there. One of the girls, particularly the oldest one, was walking outside and picked-up a crow's nest with 6 eggs in it. She dropped it, leaving the crow's nest on the cold ground- all 6 eggs cracked. The baby crows were dead, from her carelessness and curiosity.

The girl thought nothing of it, didn't care and walked on past the mess of a nest. That night, she lay in her bed and thought of the crows she killed. She thought only a mere second, then heard a loud bang. She looked over at her door where she found six red exes, followed by six screams.

She ran in her living room to find all six family members were dead, picked apart and mutilated, written on the wall in blood was "curiosity killed the humans."

88. The Face in the Crowd

I saw a woman the other day, and I'll never forget her. She wasn't particularly pretty or anything like that. I was putting groceries in the trunk of my car when I looked up and saw her, sitting in the back seat of a car, some feet away. There was a man outside the car, talking on his phone, but I was too far to hear him.

She mouthed something but I couldn't tell what she had said. Not then, at least. It wasn't until I got home, put away my purchases, and turned on the television that my heart sank.
There, on the local news, was the story of a kidnapped woman. She was the woman in the car that I had seen. Thinking back to her, I realized what it was she had tried to say : "Help me."

89. The Babysitter

A young girl was babysitting some children in a large old house. The children were in bed and she was watching TV when the phone rang. All the voice on the other end did was laugh, she listened for a minute then hung up. A few minutes later. The phone rang again and a scratchy, male voice said "Have you checked on the children yet?" She asked who he was, but he just laughed and hung up. She was very scared and called the police. They told her there was really nothing they could do about prank calls, but they'd trace the call if it happened again. After she got another call asking her if she'd checked on the children, she hung up and the police called her and told her to get out of the house immediately. The calls were coming from the upstairs extension, where he'd already murdered he children.

90. The Wrong Room

You get back to your apartment after a long day's work and you want to get inside and rest. You're about to pull out your keys and unlock the door, but you notice it's open. You stand in the doorway trying to figure out. Then, it hits you.This isn't your room. As you turn to leave, something catches your eye. There is a man hunched over a dish of flesh, eating it with his bare hands, tearing into it as a wild animal would with its prey. Red dripped down the side of his mouth, and the smell that emanated from it was sickening. You were paralyzed by the sight. Unconsciously, you start to cover your nose and mouth. In doing so, you accidentally bumped your elbow against the doorway. You froze. He stopped eating. He knew there was something wrong. Then he looked up and started searching for the source of the noise.

His eyes scanned the room until they find you. Your legs started moving on their own and you find yourself running, running from that room, and the horrors within it.

The man silently stands up, locks the door, sits back down, grabs another slice of pizza, and quickly mutters to himself : "Crazy Vegans."

(//N: Sorry, I just feel the need to share this. 😂)


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