Wake Up Call

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It was a warm, early mornin’ in the suite. I was tucked carefully away in the sanctuary of heavy blankets beside Roger. He was sleeping so very soundly and peacefully. I was barely awake as I watched him in slumber. I could lay in this bed and watch him sleep endlessly. We were both very relaxed and the sunlight bathed Roger’s naked back. I traced the sun’s gentle light all the way down his skin to where the dark green sheet barely covered his hip. I rolled over to my back and crossed my hands over my chest, staring at the ceiling. I blinked a few times as the quiet of the suite enveloped Roger and I.  The boys weren’t going in to the studio today and instead, a ski outing was planned. It was nice to sleep in. They would, of course, be promptly back the next day. As I laid there in the silence, what sounded like a faint knock could be heard on the distant door.

 I didn’t immediately move as I wanted to be certain I wasn’t hearing things. There it was again, yes…it was a knock at the door. I carefully peeled myself out of the covers. God, if this was Freddie wanting something completely stupid like borrow the morning breakfast menu I was gonna’ have to kill him. I had to comb the floor to find my underwear. Roger’s shirt, the same shirt I had slept in for nearly seven years, wasn’t quite long enough. It was starting to become slightly threadbare on the right shoulder.  I at least had enough class to have some underpants on prior to answering a knock…even if it was Fred. God, where were my socks, this floor was rather cold. The knock became a little louder and I hoped it didn’t stir Roger.

  I looked over my shoulder at him as I pulled one sock on and made my way through the main room of the suite and to the door. I struggled with the other as my feet hit the coolness of the entryway. There was yet another knock as I unlatched the deadbolt, and pulled open the door. I was taken aback for a moment as this was not what I anticipated. I flipped the deadbolt latch over and let the door close behind me so I wouldn’t get locked out. I stepped into the hall, crossing my arms and leaning over against the doorframe.

 “Well. You look like shit.” I told Brian rather coolly. He sighed and placed his thumb and index finger to his forehead.

 “I feel like shit. I’ve thrown up twice already.” He admitted, appearing to have the most horrible of headaches. Neither of us said anything for a moment. “Jesus…fuck…Lydia, I…I can’t talk to you like that! Go…go put some clothes on. Just standin’ there in your underwear, shit…god! Were you in bed?” he covered his eyes.

 “Brian, it’s 7:45 in the fuckin’ mornin’ of course I’ve been in bed. Why the hell should I change for your comfort? You were damn ready to take my clothes off a’ me last night!” I reminded him. Brian rubbed his forehead more, looking to the floor and having a miserable, sickly look on his face.

 “Lydia…I am… so…so very sorry…about what happened last night. I was…really drunk and…”

 “Horny…” I shook my head, cutting Brian off. “You were piss drunk, Brian. I’ve never seen you that drunk!” I breathed heavily and rested my weight against the frame of the door further.

 “I know…” Brian said weakly. “Is Roger in there?” Brian asked, stepping toward the door. I put my hand on the handle.

 “Of course he is! He’s asleep!” I said, rather sharply, preventing Brian from even considering reaching for the handle.

 “Did...did you…tell him? What happened last night?” he asked, scratching the side of his head. He had dark, heavy circles under his eyes and his color was awful this morning. Honestly, I think the effects of all he drank were still slightly present.

 “No, I didn’t! Brian, if I tell him…” Brian stopped me.

 “Did you not tell him because you’ve…been…you know…thinkin’ about…what it would be like?” I was completely appalled and perhaps even a little disrespected. It was evident that Brian’s drunken actions went much deeper than Chrissie even had a clue. As much as Roger and I had emotionally neglected each other in the couple months, it seemed that Chrissie and Brian had been neglecting each other in multiple ways that I couldn’t quite put my finger on; nor even thought possible.

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