Chapter 5 Burning Passion

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(lemon warning for this chapter~!)

(Also yes, cheesy as fuk chapter name)

Your Pov

"Pyro?" I could hear him finely, but just barely. "Pyro!" This was killing me. I looked though half closed eyes at his light blue one, searching for whatever emotion I can. Concern, panic, frustration. I can't take this any more. I lunge forward catching him off guard, placing my lips against his. One of my hands getting the back of his head, grabbing his hair to keeping him from being able to pull away from me. The other around his shoulder, trying to pull him down more to my level.

I gasped a bit, being grabbed by my throat and pushed back into my seat. His grip wasn't nearly strong enough to keep me from breathing. I'm sure I was blushing like crazy, but so was he. He looked like he was going to kill me, But any sorta fear I had left in my had already drained away in that one bold move I took. His grip on my throat didn't loosen. What have I done? How could I be so Stupid.

"Frau..." He spoke in a dark tone. He took a deep breath, but never broke eye contact with me. "Did You take your Medicine?" I nodded slowly. I could feel his grip soften for a moment. I couldn't get any sort of read on him now. My mind was racing. The ringing had stopped. I was focused on him, but I could barely keep myself focused.

It was quiet between us for what felt like hours. I twitched when he kissed me this time. I couldn't think anymore. I could hear him growl, as he demanded entrance to my mouth. I couldn't help but smirk, denying him. I gasped when he squeezed my ass, giving him the entry he wanted. I let him explore every corner of my mouth before wrestling tongues with him.

Finely we parted a bridge of saliva staying in place. We both pant a little trying to catch our breath. I could see the lust in his eyes, I smirked a little. I moved his hand away from my throat to throw myself at him again, not catching him off guard this time. He smirked, able to move back enough to keep our lips from meeting again. I huffed, hands against his chest and leaning on him for support.

He put an arm around my back, smirking while bringing a hand to my chin. "Zat vasn't very lady like, meine liebe~" A shiver ran up my spine at his dark tone. I bit my lip waiting to see what he planned to do. He Started pulling me out of my suit, I didn't fight him even for a moment. His rough treatment was fun.

I only wore a bra and short shorts on underneath my suit. I growled once he rip my bra in half. "How dare you~!" I growled, getting him on his back quickly. I bit my lip, seeing the look of surprise in his eyes. I slipped off my shorts quickly, leaving only my underwear which barely rested on my hips. I quickly moved to take off his pants. I could barely contain myself able to see he was already fully erect, still restricted by his boxers.

I straddle him, sitting just in front of his boner, just barely  grinding against it with my ass. He growled, putting his hands on my hips, letting me grind against him. I bit my lip, reaching a hand into his boxer. His breath hitched as I rubbed my fingers along his shaft. I licked my lips, hearing him moan softly. "ngh, Scheiße " He grunted, getting me on my back now.

I squirmed underneath him. "I don't zink so, meine liebe." He pulled off his tie using it to tie my wrists above my head, before sliding off my panties. I bit my lip letting out a hitched moan as he rubbed his fingers against my nether regions. I could see his twisted smirk at my reaction, however I could see disappointment. He wanted something more then that. No I wasn't going to give him that, as least... not right away. I held my breath as he slid two of his fingers inside my warm folds, pushing them very deep inside me giving little to no time to adjust.

"A-agh..." I couldn't keep it in anymore, letting a sorts of moans out as he rubbed and stretched my inner walls. "Oh mien, a virgin are ve?" He chuckled darkly. I yelped as he stretched me a little more then I was expecting.  I tried not to moan to loudly however at this point I don't think it mattered, he wanted to hear me yell, which I gladly obliged to as he added another finger inside me.

"F-fuck.." i whimpered out, eyes half closed. This felt so good. I could feel a strong warmth build inside me. He chuckled watching my reactions, soon stopping the growth of that feeling. "w-wha-" "Hush." He ordered, taking off his boxers, revealing just how big he was. I stared at it with no shame, desperately wanting him to fill me. He teased me, rubbing his tip against my entrance. I whined,  Trying to get my legs around him to push him in myself, but he grabbed my thighs spreading them apart. "Now, now you have to ask nicely~" 

I huffed squirming.  "P-please, I want you inside me~" I managed to get out without sounding to whiny. My breath hitched once more as he pushed his tip inside me. He wanted me to beg. "M-more! Please!" I bit my lip, drawing blood as he pushed himself fully inside me. I groaned at the feeling the pain and pleasure.  "Ahhh, so tight..." He growled in my ear, starting to thrust slowly.

"AaaaHhhh..." This was so intoxicating. I bucked my hips, wanting him to go faster. He took the hint, increasing his speed. He grunted, gripping my hips thrusting deep inside me. I dug my nails into his shoulder, earning a growl in response. I moaned as he bit neck. The heat was intense. "M-medic!" I moaned loudly as he found a particularity sensitive spot. The very moment he get that response he moved faster, harder against it, getting me to keep screaming out his name.

Oh hell I'm sure the whole base could hear my yowling. I don't care, I just wanna stay like this. Then the tread in my stomach broke, God I could live off this high, I screamed, not holding back. I could tell he joined hearing me scream, he wasn't far behind me. I could hear him say my name as he came.

He panted, leaving a few tender kisses on my neck. I mumbled happily, putting my arms around his neck. I didn't want him to stop, but I wasn't quiet strong enough to get my way, especially not after how rough he was with me. My mind went blank once he pulled away from me...

Psychotic interests *Finished* (Medic x Pyro!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now