Bonus Chapter (1) New Friend

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Your Pov

"Archimedes what are you doing?" I snickered, watching the dove roll around on the floor. I have no clue why he's doing it, but it was adorable. He stopped, laying on his back, cooing at me with his wings out. I smiled. I would pick him up, but I still hadn't regained all the feeling in my legs... Only a week had gone by... not like I expected much in that time. I could walk if I needed to, but I wasn't anywhere near stable enough to walk for very long.

Archimedes quickly got to his feet and flew onto my lap. He started turning in circles and I couldn't help but giggling at him. "Are you having fun?" I asked him. He stopped and fell onto his side. I laughed at his silly behavior and started petting him. He seemed pleased about that, trying to sit properly in my lap.

"Is he keeping you company, Meine Liebste?" Klaus was standing in the door way. He probably had been watching us for a while.

"Yes, and he's been entertaining to say the least..." I smiled, watching Archimedes climb his way up my torso to sit on my shoulder. It took him two tries, I restrained  a laugh when he started sliding backwards.

"Vell zat's good." Klaus walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "Are you hungry?"He asked brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Yes." I answered, subconsciously leaning into his hand. He chuckled before leaving me with Archimedes. I sighed a little, closing my eyes for a moment. "Archimedes." I mumbled, looking at him at the corner of my eye. He cooed nuzzling my cheek. I smiled petting him. "You're a sweetie..." I yawned and closed my eyes. I was hungry...and tried... I'm sure Klaus will wake me up if I dozed off...

Klaus's Pov

Sche looked so peaceful in her sleep. I sighed sightly, valking over to her. Archimedes vas sleeping on her shoulder. "(Y/n)?" I spoke softly sitting next to her. Sche opened her eyes half vay, staring blankly at me. "(Y/n)." I smiled cupping her cheek, rubbing it vith mein thumb. Her eyes vent vide for a moment and sche started blushing. "You've been dozing off a lot, Meine Liebste. Do I need to find somezing for you to do?" I smirked vhen sche huffed 

"I'd love to have something to do. I'm bored, just laying in bed all day" Sche vhined, leaning into mein hand. "And did you bring me something to eat?" Sche lightly bit my hand.

I chuckled, putting the tray on her lap "You know zere is a saying about not bitting zee hand zat feeds you." Sche smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I've heard of it." Sche mumbled, choosing to stab her food playfully before eating.

"Perhaps I should get you a companion, aside from Archimedes." I took Archimedes from her shoulder.

"What kind of companion?" Sche asked looking at me vith curious eyes.

"You'll just have to vait and see, Meine Liebste." I smirked vhen sche vhined.


Your Pov

I giggled at Archimedes running laps around the room. He was ether very determined to get treats or was trying to cheer me up. "Archimedes, come here." I called and he quickly got onto my lap. Finely I manged to escape the bed, even if I was just sitting in a chair in the same room. It was come kinda of change.

He cooed nuzzling against me before I could even touch him. I smiled rubbing his neck feathers "You're so sweet." I mumbled while he was enjoying the attention.

"(Y/n)?" Well Klaus was home earlier then I expected, not that I was complaining.

"Yeah?" I leaned back in my seat, still petting Archimedes. Klaus walked into the room shortly after I answered him and my eyes widen a little seeing what was in his arms. The fluffiest little kitten I have ever seen. It was black with a grey underside and socks. It was so damn tiny too, it was barely making any noises when with was meowing. (yaknowyouloveityousoulessbeing)

"Aawww.. "I just couldn't help myself. It was way to cute. Klaus smiled walking over to my, letting me take the little fluff ball from him. It was soft, light and very clingy.

"You like her?" He asked kissing the top of my head.

"Yes~" I smiled, petting the little fluff ball. Archimedes wasn't looking pleased, trying to peck my hands and possibly the kitten. I didn't really care, at least Archimedes wasn't being vicious with his attacks.

"Archimedes, stop, you already meet zee kitten." Klaus smiled taking Archimedes from my lap. The little dove was really cute when he was acting jealous.

"How long have you been hiding this kitten?" I asked, looking up at him.

He smirked "Just since yesterday, Fraulein."

I glared slightly at him, but I was still smiling. "Really?" I smirked slightly, grabbing his tie and pull him to my level. I kissed him, biting his lip a little. "Please don't tease me~" I giggled letting go of him and he smirked at me.

"Oh, fine." He chuckled.


ahhh cuteness. Tell me how many of you might've though Medic brought home a baby?

also suggestions for the kitten's name.

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