Chapter 6 Another Week

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Your Pov

I have no idea what my mind blocked out after I slept with Medic, but I suppose it's not too big of a deal. I'd always remember anything serious shortly after it happened. So obviously I ether fell asleep right after or nothing I needed worry about happened. Whatever... no morning alarm clock this morning from of Solider....huh. I open my eyes to look around, I wasn't in my room and I wasn't alone. I turn to see Medic looking me, with his arm around my waist. I couldn't help but blush lightly, He looked so hot with his hair in a mess. "Sleep well, Meine Liebste?" He spoke, kissing my neck. I shivered slightly, but nodded. "Good."

See? you had fun. Don't start. I bit my lip once he let go of me to get himself dressed, what time was it anyways? Whatever Solider wasn't up yet so at least We wouldn't be bother by him right away. Wait... Medic brought my suit in here too? Well... At least it was in here. I don't think I'd get so lucky trying to sneak back to my room wearing one his shirts....

My underwear was missing...entirely.... He didn't rip those when he got into it... "Where's my underwear?" I say, watching him dress. No point in having shame while watching him.

"I may have left zem in mein lab..." He said in a smug tone. Lair. I just let is slide though. I can't help but feel I'd get them back sooner or later.

---(Cockily doodley doo, time for breakfast)---

Well no one was waiting in the hall outside Medic's room so I could leave ahead of him and not be questioned, but damn it I forgot to fix my hair. Scout, Spy, Engie and Sniper all commented on it, Spy's being the most suggestive, but it didn't sound like he really knew anything. I growled at all their comments, and hit Sniper in the shoulder seeing as how he was closest of the boys who was mocking me.

Today was Engie's turn to cook, but that didn't keep him from adding to whatever the conversation was on. Finely Medic showed up, just as engie started giving everyone their food. "So Glad you could Join us, Doctor." Spy chimed in immediately. "I was afraid you might not make it." 

Oh damn it, he knew. Ether that or he had a strong feeling about it "Oh Vhy's zat?" Medic said, brushing off Spy's tone. I just listened, eating like I normally would.

"I figured you might be busy cleaning up your lab~" Spy was way to casual about that line.I could feel a shiver run up my spine, but I suppressed it best I could. French bastard... I can only imagine just how much he may or may not have seen. After little bit of back and fourth between Medic and Spy, both using careful words that would fool most of the boys at the table, things were back to normal.

In fact the rest of the day passe day as normal, Solider drilling everyone to keep us all in shape. Scout asked me if I was 'feeling better', I could only guess Medic lied to everyone about why I was absent most of yesterday so I just went with it telling them I was fine. About half way though running laps, and my head started spinning and it was all because I hadn't taken my medicine today. Medic Pointed it out once I was pulled off to the side to take a breather. I'm becoming really forgetful because of that man, but at least he was trying to help me. I slipped back to my room for the rest of the day, with Soldier trying to break down my door once he found out I left without permission. I'd have to pay for it tomorrow and skip dinner tonight. I didn't wanna have to listen to him, beside he might even take my portion of dinner away, if i wasn't going to get dinner then I have no reason to sit though his lecturing.

The next day went on as I expected, being drilled all day long by Solider. I tried really hard not to snap at him. I hardly ever goofed off of training before, but hey at least he wasn't treating me any different from the rest of the team. In fact it sorta seemed like he was being harder on me... well I had just ignored training, so maybe it was just my imagination. But getting drilled wasn't the only annoying thing about today, the damn Blu sniper was tasked with trying to shoot us if we strayed to far from each other. It wasn't that bad. It was for Scout and Demoman, but that was it. Solider went marching over there with Medic and Spy to go tell team blu to fuck off, so Training ended earlier then normal. I was fine with that, It gave me an opportunity to wait in Medic's room for him to return.

This continued over the next few days, which I was pleased about. Sneaking around with Medic, and Spy was the only other person in the base to possibly know. It was especially fun when, if not annoying, when someone would come by and bother us while in his room. The first time we did it, everyone was outside, leaving us entirely alone to be as loud as we wanted, but now it was a real struggle to keep quiet, especially seeing as how he was always trying to get me to scream for him. Very rarely would he let me have anything I could scream into, so it was a really painful test to see how long we could go before getting caught. This was a hell of a lot more fun then it should've been. However I get the feeling thing game wouldn't last much longer seeing as how several time we did it in his lab, which most of the time everyone just barged in giving almost no warning, but thus far that wasn't a problem.

This week was better then any I've ever had and it was ending all too soon. Oh well, it'd make spending time with Medic all the more fun.

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