Chapter 12 Snow Covered Flame

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Author's Pov

Five lazy years passed by since Klaus had proposed to you. Three of them were spent at Truefort, your's and His time as mercenary stopped once an incident happened on team Blu which lead to both teams being disbanded. The last two years were a happy little dream for you, living with Klaus in Germany. No incidents had happened, at least none happened that weren't expected. Being  away from the battle field made them show up more often, but they were much easier to manage. Especially with Klaus being there to support you.

Even though things were perfect as far as you were concerned, there was one thing on your mind the last few weeks...

Your Pov

"Archimedes no! You're not getting any more sweets to you slim down!" I huffed, having been distracted form my book by Archimedes trying to open a container that had cookies in it. He had gotten a little over wight due to him cozing up to me for treats. He cooed a protests more or less flopping his way onto the floor. He charged at me with his wings flared and started 'attacking' my unprotected feet. I put a hand over my mouth, trying really hard to restrain my laughter. I didn't wanna hurt his feelings by laughing at him, he was an inquisitive bird.

I sighed putting my book down ad cooping him up. He took a moment to get settled in my hands staring, pleading at me with those adorable little eyes. "I'll read to you, but no more sweets." I smiled as he cooed one last protest before I put him on my shoulder. He settled quickly while I picked up my book once more. He nuzzled against my cheek once I started reading, still trying to get something, but he'd just have to settle for this.

I was really surprised that Klaus hadn't found the handful of baby book I had gotten a hold of. I had left a few out in the open more then once for him to see. ahh, having a baby's been on my mind for a while now. I 'talked' with Archimedes about it and he's always acted upset when I do, but that's just him wanting to keep all the attention he can to himself.

You'll never be a good mother, you know that. I twitched, dropping my book and going silent. "bu-" Do you really think your fit to raise a child? You could pass your psychotic love of fire to it. "I-i..." Don't listen to her! Shut up! You know I'm right. No you're- No I'm not. My head was hurting, just listening to them argue. I started crying, putting a hand on my forehead. Even if the baby isn't born with that love, it can be learned. You could hurt the child without meaning too, and it'll have to suffer because of YOU.

I could barely think. It took me a while to register that Archimedes was pacing around in front of me. I have no idea what he was doing, maybe he was worried. I held my head in both my hands, still crying. They weren't going to be quiet any time soon. After a while I could notice the change in light in the house. So it was getting dark. I didn't have any more tears to shed, but I was still crying.

"(Y/n)?!" Klaus's voice cut though everything to me. The voices went quiet, but I was still worked up."(Y/n), vhats vrong?" I could barely breath I was crying so hard, but I could tell he was closer to me. Close enough to hold onto. Which I did without failing. I buried my face into his shoulder, griping his shirt almost hard enough to rip them. I felt his arms around me, pulling me closer to him, which made me relax slightly.

Eventually I started calming down enough to talk, but I didn't want to. I just wanted him to hold me like this... "Vhat happened, Meine Liebste?" He sounded worried....

"I d-don't know..." I spoke hoarsely, trying to keep my voice form cracking. I wanted to tell him, But I couldn't bring myself to it.

"Are you sure?" He asked rubbing my back.

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