Chapter 8 No More Serects

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Your Pov

The rest of the day was on our side! We didn't lose once! We all where happy about that, and chances were we'd be having some kinda of celebration. It was rare for us to have an all day winning streak, but when it happened everyone was put in good moods. Spy even opted to cook dinner tonight. Everyone was happy about that, other wise it would've been Scout who'd cook tonight.

There were only a few of us who needed to be patched up by Medic so that meant me and him would have lots of time to just fool around while waiting for dinner. I waited for everyone to get taken care of before I came to see Medic. He looked pleased to see me. "Hallo, Fraulein." He smirked as I went to sit on his examination table. "Did jou get injured today?" He asked walking over to me.

[insert "for you entertainment"] (clam down no lemons just a hard core lime for 2 seconds)

"No, not yet anyways~" I purred smirking. I could see that smirk of his getting darker. Well I wasn't lying. He was gonna inflict some kinda of pain on me, he always did.... I didn't have to wait for him to pin me down and start biting my neck. I moaned a little, wanting to tease him. It worked as he soon found the sensitive spot on my neck, getting me to moan louder. I could feel him smirk against my skin, licking and sucking that sensitive spot determined to leave a mark.

At some point I was stripped down to my underwear and he only had his pants on. I squealed a little when he gave my ass a nice hard smack. He smirked at my response and did it again, I gave him a louder squeal turned into a giggle. How the hell have we not been cough by anyone other then Spy?

finely he kissed me on this lips, but he stopped very shortly into it, grabbing my neck roughly. I twitched as his grip was really strong, stronger then any other time he's grabbed me before. He looked... like he was about to kill me. I could feel the blood drain form my face. I could breathe, but he never gave me a look like this. "Me-medic?" I manged to choke out, squirming in his grasp. He didn't let go of me, but his grip loosened. "Medic?" I say again with less of a struggle. Finely he let go of me, but he got off me getting himself dressed. What did I do? I watched him  till he left the room, leaving me alone.

I took myself to my room to sit around and... well mope while reading. I didn't even come out to get dinner... Why did Medic get like that? I sigh rubbing my eyes, looking out the window. I just couldn't figure out any reason for him to be upset. Maybe it'll come to me in the morning.

---(Time skip brought to you by the Unicorns!....Und France!)---

A whole week... He was still in an ill mood and stopped letting me into his room. He hardly even spoke when patching me up. I missed him so much. The only bit extra of attention he'd given me was a little red glass unicorn. it was so beautiful, but I can't help that he had it before giving it to me, and rather let me have it before he'd destroy it.

At least tonight was our monthly poker match we'd have with whoever on team blu would come over. Usually it was their Spy, Sniper, Engineer and Heavy who came, however this time they were joined by their Medic and Demoman. Their Medic didn't join the actual game, he was just here to watch for some reason... I wonder if this game would shift into something like strip poker? Well if it does I'm not stick around to play the game this time.

Of course Heavy had me as a partner. At least Scout was no where near this little match, he was off most likely having a competition of some kind whit the Blu Scout. From my seat I could easily see their Blu Medic. He was shifting around nervously. I don't really blame him. He never seemed to care for being anywhere in my line of sight. I was surprised to see my Medic go sit by him...huh...whatever, just play the game to try and keep this strong week of victory going just that little bit longer.

Psychotic interests *Finished* (Medic x Pyro!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now