Bonus Chapter (2) OKTOBERFEST!

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Haahahahha I've had this in my head since about half way though the main story.


Your Pov

I snickered a little, gently rubbing Klaus' temples, with his head in my lap. Two weeks of drinking finely caught up with him, which was so damn amusing. Spritze and Archimedes were running around, playing chasing each other, so I had something to distract me from perverted thought that passed though my mind. Oh I couldn't help it, it was a bit to easy at the moment... I bit my lip and sighed "Klaus?" I started as calmly as I could.

"Ja?" He gave me a short reply, but I expected that.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, messing with his hair now.

"Ja, mein Libling..." Oh yes this hangover was really strong and it didn't help I wasn't letting him get his hands on any more alcohol till he sobered up. I smiled and kissed his forehead before slipping away letting him rest alone in bed. I got both our little dears to leave the room with me so he would hopefully fall asleep.

~boring cooking noises~

Well He was asleep so I could grab what I wanted before I'd wake him up, which was his old lab coat. ~kinks~  I made sure not to wake him up, I wanted this to be perfect. Well as perfect as I could get it. I had a whole outfit planned -no idea how much he'd be into due to the hangover, but I knew this would be something that would be returned to later- white, Lacy stocking, with matching panties and bra.  

Out of those, Spritze was trying to mess with the stockings "Stop that you..." I shooed her out of the way, but she was acting like dead wight. Archimedes joined by sitting on her back which was so adorable. "Both of you stop looking at me like that." I rolled my eyes and got dressed, with Klaus' lab coat barely buttoned enough to (stay on) cover my chest.

I looked at the pair who'd been staring at me while I was getting dressed up. Archimedes titled his head at me and Spritze meowed, staying in her spot. I smiled a little and grabbed the plate of food I had ready.

I bit my lip opening the door, he was still asleep. I had to hold back giggles, I was so excited to see his response. "Klaus~" I tried really hard to put on an accent for him.

When he woke up and the look of shock then lust was priceless."You said you vere hungry, herr docktor~" I giggled a little and walked over to him. He was waiting for me to get close enough to make me sit next to him, with his arms around my waist. Not like I'd resits

"Such a good nurse you've become, Fraulein~" He purred in my ear, easily unbuttoning the coat. "Futtere mich, mein Kopf schmerzt immer noch." (Feed me, my head still hurts) He said letting go of me.

I almost wanted to roll my eyes, but I love this little game and played along. I straddle his lap and fed him like he asked. I was trying not to rub against him that much, just to tease him. Eventually he put his hands on my hips and so calmly started grinding against me. I smirked a little "Just how hungry are you~?" I bit my lip a little. He chuckled and smirked at me and asked me the same question in return. I giggled, very much enjoying where this was going~

---(I'm not in the mood to write 69ing so rip)---

He pulled me into a kiss once we'd finished each other off. I giggled a little, putting my arm around his neck, not letting him escape this time. He chuckled at my enthusiasm "Ve vill have to do zis again, Fraulein~" He smirked kissing my cheek.

"Ja, Herr dokter~"


And now all I wanna do is watch Austin Powers.

*Yeah, baby, yeah!* noregrets

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