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Diggy's POV




Worst day so far. I trudged in the house behind Y/n after a 'not so good lunch' with my mom. Let's just say, me and my mom got into an argument. Over Y/n. She brought up the fact that Y/n wasn't really what she had in mind for me to marry. Now they aren't speaking. Just great.

"Yes. Plus, if Mrs. Simmons is coming then I'm most definitely not going. End of discussion." I can feel her going into that little shell of anger. When that happens she doesn't want to talk to anyone. Including me.

"Y/n.... You know my mom likes you. She just has a hard time showing it. Nothing to trip about." The fact of the matter was these are two girls. They don't come together from an argument like men do. "Ain't nothing to trip about? She called out the tracks Diggy. She called out my babies. We are not friends anymore." My two favorite woman will be at each other's throats for the rest of my life.

I fumbled around with my words. "I'm pretty sure she didn't mean it."

"Didn't mean it? You were right there. You heard her say and I quote 'Your wannabe track having ass needs to find a real job and stay away from my son. Who you will just be mooching off of when he gets a record deal.' You did not hear her say that? You can side with her for all I care momma's boy! Always siding with her when she's the one doing wrong!"

She went there? Just because I agree with my mom on some things does not make me a momma's boy.

"You needa take that shit back." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms around her chest. "I would, but I don't listen to little kiss ass boys like yourself! My mom was right, I should've gotten with a civil man who knows how to treat me right! All you do is focus on-"

"Leave with that shit! You know you would've been left me if that was true. Matter fact go now! Get ya ass out! Go be with that man with money, who won't give a damn about you! That man who will just cheat on you because he got the cash to replace you!"

My face was inches away from hers, both of us fumed with rage.

"I fucking hate you Diggy! You don't know when to be on my damn side for once! Be a man for god sakes!" Be a man? Be a fucking man? I'll be a man alright.

I pushed her against the door and and lifted her onto my waist. She fucking always gets on my nerves with this 'I should've got with someone else' shit.

"You wanna know why I aways put up with this bullshit? Huh! I don't do it just to get a laugh out of it. Naw, I do it because I'm willing to put up with you. Put up with you threatening to leave me for somebody else whenever we get in an argument. Leave then! Go ahead, walk right out that door and go find someone else! Find someone who can fuck you like I can!"

My lips reached her ear and roughly bit on the loose skin with my lips. "Diggy...... Baby....." Her moans only made me even more upset.

Why? I have no idea. I wanted to prove to her why she was wrong, and the only way to do that was to act like I was leaving. "Baby nothing. I'm fucking tired of this. You know what, I'm done! Go be with a nigga who actually will give a damn what you have to say! Get the fuck out my house!"

I felt her legs wrap tighter around my hip bones. Oh so now that I have some authority in my voice she wanna stay. "No. I'm sorry okay. Don't say that."

Her lips were quivering and tears were scheming to come down. It hurt me to see her sad, but I needed to make a statement. "Get out! Since you want somebody else. You want me to be a man right? Get your shit and leave, see how big of a man I am for letting someone like you go."

The grip of her hands loosened on my shoulders, but moved to my face and captured my lips in a kiss. This was unusual. Y/n never gave me these type of kisses.

The kisses that had no type of wall to come with it. I guess me leaving her is the only way to make her vulnerable. Well, it ain't gonna happen baby I promise you that. "Diggy, please baby I'm sorry. I was upset." My expression still had that mad as hell look, but I threw her on the floor, and ripped open her button up shirt. The way her nipples stood up made my breath quicken. "Imma show you how much of a man I am."

Before she had time to respond I covered her sentence with my lips. Her hands tried to take off my belt, but I swatted them away. "Diggy, I need you." Oohhh, I like begging.

My chain rubbed against her open skin and her slow uneven breaths gave me the impression that she wanted more. I would want fights with her every day if I could get to have rough sex. "You need me? That's not what you were saying two minutes ago. You want someone else doing this to you? You want some guy that won't even give a damn about you doing this. Say the words and I'll let you go. Say it!"

"No." Finally the river of tears streamed down her cheeks. I'm trying immensely hard not to hold her and wipe away her tears. That's my baby. And I'm just hovering over her watching her cry and acting like I don't care. "We need a little time apart don't we? So you can decide whether you actually need me. Or if you want another man making love to you, or sayin how much he loves you."

More tears of regret slid out. She tried to kiss me but I held off the urge.

"Diggy....... W-what are you saying? Im not going anywhere baby. Please you know I'm sorry. Don't." She pulled me down with all the force she had and kissed my face. My eyelids, my nose, my cheeks. Saving my lips for last.

"I love you." She chanted over and over again.

I caressed her body, but stopped and got up, leaving her on the floor. What's the worst that could happen if we actually do take a break? She might find somebody better than me, who will always put her first. That's the main thing she wants is to be put first. I understand that, however when she torments me saying that she's going to get with another guy, that's when I draw the line.

"Get out." I opened the door and pointed out into the spacious air. Still weeping, she got up and buttoned her shirt back up. She really believes I'm kicking her out? My baby should know better than that. I still have to play along for a little while longer.

"Give me my ring back. I can give it to my mom as a Mother's Day present. Or I can give it to another girl that I meet. No sense in you keeping it."

The bitterness in my voice was the only thing that made it seem plausible. My eyes tried not to hinder tears. My sweaty hands were in my pockets, and if she had a stethoscope she would be able to hear the relay race of my heartbeat. That set her off the deep end. Her body shook like an earthquake and the loud sobs turned into blustering bawls of despair.

"No! No! It's mine! You're not giving it to anyone else!" Y/n almost bolted out of the room until I grabbed onto both of her forearms and yanked her inside. "Listen and listen good. If you ever bring up finding someone else at all, I will damn sure make this real. You could kiss my ass goodbye. I'm not having that crap. You are mine got that?"

I'm not sure if she was listening. Her face was engraved inside my chest, just crying her eyes out. I sheltered my arms around her waist and rocked her from side to side. That didn't do any good.

"Baby?" All I got were her wails. I didn't mean to hurt her that much, I just wanted a point to get across. Not scare her half to death.

"Baby, look at me okay." Sluggishly she lifted up her watery gaze to stare inside of me. Looking at all the wrong I had felt. "You were going to let me go." She didn't say like a question, more of a matter of fact derogatory phrase. My grip tightened while I spoke. "You know I would never let you go. Never."

I hate that I'm always the bad guy when we argue. I'm not the one who starts it, but I'm damn sure the one who ends it.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Damn, I really got to her. In a way, I'm not sure if that was the right move. All I know is that it worked. "It's okay." Our bodies were melded in place, not wanting to be released. Lifting her chin up with my finger, I tugged her lips onto mine and made us walk until we reached the couch....

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