The Meeting With The Dead

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■Sorry for the lack of uploads. I've been crazy busy with school. Enjoy anyways! ~Maddy■

That night McCree had a nightmare about Gabriel. Only he saw Reaper most of the time. He woke up before the sun and got dressed. Hanzo heard him walking out and woke up. He saw McCree's hat sitting on the edge of the bed.


He stopped and turned around.

"You left your hat." Hanzo said throwing it into his hands. "You never leave without it."

Jesse stared at it before throwing it back onto the bed.

"It's just a stupid hat." McCree said leaving the room.

Hanzo quickly scrambled from the bed and threw on a shirt. He grabbed the hat and ran after McCree. He grabbed his arm in the hallway.

"Jesse?" Hanzo asked.

He turned to face him.

"Are you alright? Where are you going so early?"

"I'm just going out for a walk. I'll be back." Jesse said turning and bumping into Winston.

"Jesse, what are you doing up so early?"

"I could ask the same question, monkey." McCree said rudely.

He gave a dismissive huff at Winston and walked away. Winston growled and turned to Hanzo.

"This is your fault isn't it?" Winston said pointing at Hanzo. "You left him unsatisfied!"

Hanzo gasped.

"Y-you know about us?"

"I'm not an idiot Hanzo. It's obvious. Did you leave him unsatisfied?"

"No," Hanzo scratched the back of his head. "Well at least I don't think so."

"He's tense about something." Winston said walking off in a huff.

Hanzo sighed looking down and gripping Jesse's hat tightly.


McCree said he would be back, but he hasn't come back all day. Hanzo had been calling and texting him. He started to get more angry than worried. Hanzo had kept McCree's hat attached to the back of the belt around his Kimono all day. He finally looked out the window to see McCree walking up the launch pad. He quickly ran downstairs furiously stomping. He got outside and began pointing fingers at McCree.

"You don't answer my calls or texts! What has gotten into you?!" Hanzo exclaimed.

McCree just smiled looking around Hanzo's sighed to see his hat attached to the back of his belt. He reached around grabbing Hanzo's ass through the hat.

"You kept it right by my favorite spot Hanz." McCree teased.

Hanzo blushed, but tried to act serious.

"T-this doesn't...change anything!" Hanzo stuttered.

Jesse laughed a bit putting the hat back on his head and leaning towards Hanzo.

"You're upset? Good. That's when you're at your best in bed."

Hanzo gasped.

"Stop it. You're being irrational Jesse." Hanzo said firmly.

"Then punish me Hanzo." Jesse said with a tempting face.

Hanzo blushed and swallowed hard.

That night Hanzo was finishing the survey Winston had sent him when McCree opened the door to his room. Hanzo looked up from his desk.

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