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Dear Diary, it's been 5 years since the defeat of Gunmar.5 years and James Lake is still missing. 5 years since Jim and I broke up so he could be the troll hunter. I've joined the FBI after a couple years of College. Darci and Toby are still in college. Barbara is the only one who has kept in touch with Jim. She's getting married to Strickler tomorrow. I'm excited for that. I hope nothing bad happens. But I'm part of the FBI so if anything happens, I'll be ready. Well, it's late. Bye

~Claire Maria Nuñez

I placed down my pen and my book and stared out the window of my old, dusty apartment. By old I mean, the hinges on the doors always squeaking and every floor board sounds like a dying moose. The windows sometimes fly open when it's really windy but that only happens in the guest room.

I turned off my blueish purple light and curled up into my soft blankets. The past couple weeks have been freezing. No Snow but really cold. It feels like as if the North and South poles had a baby and that baby had a baby with Alaska.

I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath and relaxing as much as possible. I want to get a good night sleep. For I have a wedding to attend.

*next morning*

I made my way to the store where everyone was getting their dresses on. It was a nice store for basically all types of dresses.

I entered the shop and saw a hair dresser curling Mary and one straightening Darci's hair.

I realized how long my hair has grown. It was down to about my elbows.

My hair dresser came into the room
"Have a seat Claire. Once we finish with you're hair, girls, you can Join Barbara and the other women in getting your dresses on"

I sat down in a chair and waited for my hair dresser to get her supplies.
By the time she came over. Mary and Darci where already done and headed to meet with Barbara.

I had her cut my hair to my shoulders. Since my hair had gotten really long. I also said to put my hair in a bun.

I went to get my Dress on.

Marry was wearing a red dress.

Darcy was wearing a green dress

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Darcy was wearing a green dress

Darcy was wearing a green dress

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