Tying up loose ends

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The group continued to trudge along the dark pathway. Claire was starting to feel bad for how she was treating Jim. But he deserves it!! Right? He didn't come to his Mom's wedding, but then showed up at the freaking gas station, but was it really his fault? He couldn't come. Not during the day. He would burn. And if it was at night. He'd have to leave before 3.
Claire thought about this and began to feel horrible. She had made a big deal about him not coming when he must be suffering.

Rain started to pour down onto the thick bramble and Hard ground. "This way!" Jim called, heading into a cave. "We'll make shelter here, It's almost 2 in the morning, we'll set up camp at wait for nightfall". Everyone nodded and followed Jim into the cave. Everyone made themselves comfortable and Walt started a fire.

"Jim, can I talk to you?" Claire asked.
"What?" He snarled. Claire grabbed his hand and took him to the back of the cave. "Look, I'm sorry for treating you like....I have been. I didn't think about how much you must be going through, you look like you are suffering". Jim looked to the young woman "it's fine, I just need to control being troll or human and whatever happens at 3....I just wish my Dad. Wasn't my Dad. But I can thank him for giving me troll blood, so it's thanks to him that I'm the Troll Hunter But he's just horrible. So it's okay. I forgive you". Claire smiled brightly. "I'm so happy that you said that. I've just been so focused on trying to be the best. I forgot what it's like to be loved. And what's it like loving you...". Jim was in shocked "what?" He asked. Claire blushed "Did I say that last part out loud.....?"she questioned. Jim laughed "yea.....does this mean you still love me?". Claire looked into his light blue eyes and nodded "I never stopped loving you". Jim took her hands in his and looked at Claire with a soft face that made her heart melt. "Do you still love me?" She asked, worried about his answer. Jim was quiet and kept looking at her. He finally lifted up her chin and kissed her. She was shocked but she kissed back. When they pulled away Jim asked "did you get your answer?". Claire giggled and smiled. "Yes".. Jim kissed her forehead and they cuddled up together, getting consumed by sleep.

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