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For the whole day. Jim layed on the floor of my apartment. In his troll form. I kept the sun off him of course. But I was so pissed of at what he did at 3 a.m. and the fact that his Dad hit again. He hit Starbucks and stole EVERYTHING! Even the STRAWS!!
I am so pissed. It just. Being pissed off pissed me off even more. I was about to go get a frap to help me cool off. But there is a troll in my room. Oh, and The trolls Dad stole everything. Oh my God. I decided to wright in my Diary. I guess that would pass the time till the night.

Dear Diary,
I saw Jim, well more like, He is passed out on the floor of my apartment, as a troll. Yea. I saw him at the gas station last night. After his Mom's wedding. But I know why missed it.. He's a human at night and a troll at Day. And at 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. he is both and it's scary cause he's like evil, its scary. Tonight. We all are going to look for his Dad, who struck again, he stole everything, including the straws From Starbucks. That is why I'm pissed. Oh and by we, I mean, Me, Jim,Darci, Toby, Barbara, strickler, and Mary. Hopefully we can get Blinky and AARRGGH! To help. We need to track down Jim's Dad before he can side with Morgana. We learned she is trying to free herself and if she does, the world will burn in chaos. I really hope that doesn't happen. If that happens I will be pissed. But I've been very pissed lately, like most people, their everyday mood is happy or tired or FOOD. Mine is Pissed.

~Claire Maria Nuñez

Word count: 312 words
Word pissed count: 8 words

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