To Family

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Claire's P.O.V: It was night again so we started off. The group was in front of us, lead by Blinky. Jim and I stayed in the back, holding hands and occasionally pecking at each other's lips. I missed him so much, I missed this, even though we might be facing death right now, I am still so glad he's here and I'm back in his arms.

We finally got to James's house, it was a lake house, like literally it was on a lake. Lake lake house? I don't know. But when we entered we began to search. It felt like hours had passed while we searched. We all eventually met up in the living room. "Nothing? Toby asked. "Nothing." I concluded. Then, a low maniacal laugh was heard. "What's that!?" Mary asked. Darci scooted closer to Toby and Barbara hugged Walter. "Who's there!?" I yelled. "Show yourself!" Jim growled as he pulled his sword out. Walter quickly turned into his troll form. The laughing continued to get louder. And louder. And louder. And closer and closer until two figures appeared. 2 female trolls appeared, a pink one and a red one. Everyone gasped "Nomura!?". Blinky then growled " Ramona!!". The two then laughed and turned to their human forms. The two looker exactly the same but Nomura had a pink dress and Short hair while Ramona had a red dress and long hair. "What are you 2 doing here!?" Blinky asked.. "And where is my Dad!?" Jim growled. "You mean James?" Ramona started "we killed him like 3 years ago". We all looked at each other in confusion "what do you mean?" I asked. "We just wanted to get this amazing group back together. So we made this whole thing up. James is dead". Nomura continued. "What!?" We all shouted. The 2 girls walked over to us . "get it in your head, this was a setup so we could get you guys together!" Ramona Groaned. "Well, thanks...a lot actually" I smiled. Nomura came to me and gave me a hug. I was shocked, but I excepted it. "Jim...Come here"  Ramona said. Jim slowly walked to the woman. He looked like he trusted her so he took his armor off. "This will allow you to be a like a changing, you'll be able to control being Troll or Human, so you can be with you family again.". She gave him a small bottle. "Go ahead, drink up" She smiled. Jim smiled and opened the vile, and drank every. Last. Drop. "Now try it out" Ramona pushed him. He smiled and quickly turned to troll then back to human. "Thank you....Ramona is it?". She nodded and gave him a hug. After the separated, I ran into his arms and kissed him. I have my Jim back! We all looked out the large window that took up the whole wall as the sun began to rise. Not is beautiful as sunset but still worth it. "Well, lets hope this wasn't out last adventure" Toby said as we all linked arms and stared into the distance. "Don't worry Tobes, I'm sure there will be plenty of adventures to come" Jim said. "We'll stay together through it all" Darci said, pecking Toby's lips. "We're not just best friends. Or trolls or kids in love, we're family" I said. "To family" Barbara smiled. "To Family!!" We all cheered. Jim then took my hand and pulled me into him. I put my hands on his cheeks as he places his on my hips. We locked lips. After we seprerated  I said "I love you, Jim lake". He smiled and kissed me again. "Claire Nuñez, I love you to,"

The End

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