After school
(Y/N)'s POV
"Whoaa what the heck?" When we headed for the exit, we found out that we were surrounded by a large mass of students from other classes.
"What are they here for?" Mineta said. "They are scoping the competition, retard. They want to check us out before the big battle, asshole" Mineta complained to Deku for the heartless treat he was given by Bakugou, who was now turning to the crowd: "It's pointless to try, so why don't you extras just fuc- UMP!!"
I made him bite his tongue before he said something that could get us in trouble. "THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR YOU GODDAMN BITCH. THAT'S TWICE IN A DAY, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FUCKING FIGHT?!" "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm sorry for this guy's behaviour, don't take what he says to heart."
"I came to see what you were like, but I didn't think you'd be this arrogant. I'm a bit disillusioned." I saw a pale boy with purple messy hair and eyebags speaking up. "Excuse us?" I was getting pissed off and I wished I hadn't stopped Bakugou. "There's lots of kids who wind up in the general education department because they failed the heroics one. But based on the results of the sports festival, people can be transferred to heroics, and the same can happen vice versa. Consider it a declaration of war."
After that declaration, more and more students came out to say more spiteful things at us, but Bakugou just shoved them off. "Hey! Look what you did, they're hating us now!" Kirishima complained to him.
"It doesn't matter... None of that matters when you are at the top."
I couldn't believe it, but for once he was right. We just have to do our best and prove them that we also want to be heroes, and we wouldn't lose to them in terms of spirit, at least. So for the next two weeks we all trained with perseverance and determination for the big event.
During this time, I trained my strenght and stamina by going for a run every morning and then to the gym at afternoon, I lengthened the endurance limits of my quirk before I run out of luck, and I also watched some cartoons like 'The Roadrunner' to give me some ideas to use against someone. But I had yet to train my combat skills and I needed a sparring buddy for that.
Let's see, Ochako, Deku, Iida and Tsuyu-chan rely more on their quirks so I don't think they'll help me learn much. Explodo boy was out of the question, and I don't know Kirishima that well. Should I ask Mina? She seems to be sporty. "Sorry (Y/N), but I already promised Aoyama to train with him." Well, my search was a total failure.
But suddenly, a ray of hope appeared when I saw Todoroki enter the class with rays of light emitting out of him like he was a divine being. Of course!! Even though his quirk is strong as hell, how could I forget he was a good fighter too! "Shouto~ Can you please help me train my fighting abilities after school?" I asked with puppy eyes in case he wouldn't give in. "Alright." "Thank youuu! You are my saviour!!"
We went to our homes to get a change of clothes and we agreed to meet up an hour later at the same park we went before. I wore some comfy joggers and baggy (f/c) shirt and headed to the park earlier to warm up before the sparring. About half an hour later I met up with him and we searched for a less crowded space to not disturb anyone. "Are you ready?" "Damn right I am!"
Without delay, he came at me at full speed and raised his arm. I was caught off guard and I tripped on my feet, luckily avoiding the punch. Right after I landed on my butt, he went for another and I rolled just in time.
"I see you don't have any mercy at all, huh?" "You wanted me to help you improve your combat skills, and that's what I'm here for". I smirked as I stood up. All right, now I'm all fired up!
After an hour or so of fighting, I ran to him and gave a high kick which he blocked with his arm, and he gave me an uppercut. Gosh it damn hurt. I counterattacked and threw a punch to his gut, making him cough. I took the opportunity to tackle him and we winded up on the floor.
"Haha, guess who's the one losing now?" I said jokingly but stopped when I saw his face so close to mine. I then realized the position we were in, me on top of him, and my grip on his shoulders loosened.
Suddenly, I was pushed and our places got reversed: he was on top of me with his hands holding my wrists. Although I desperately needed to catch my breath from all that fighting, I held my breath. I got lost in his grey and turquoise eyes, feeling his intense gaze. There was sweat on his face, but I still found him attractive at that moment.
"It seems that I won this match". He emitted a small smile, and all of a sudden I couldn't think anymore. He stood up and offered me his hand, which I stared mindlessly. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong? Your face is red" "N-No. Don't w-worry, I'm fine. Thanks!" "Sure, if you say so...."
We decided that it was time to head to our homes and we bid our goodbyes. For some reason, I couldn't look at him straight in the eyes.
Jeez, what is wrong with me? I need to pull myself together, the sports festival is in two days!

Maneko [Shouto Todoroki x Reader]
Fanfiction🐱 This book is available in Polish (@_bluef0x) and Italian (@kamisamapotter4ever), thanks to these WONDERFUL people (you can also check them out on my reading lists if you are lazy). THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this 💖💖💖 [Warning] Light cursing...