17. Obstacle race

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was finally the day of the grand event. Reporters, heroes and millions of citizens were all waiting eagerly for it to start. I was feeling a bunch of emotions sitting in the waiting room. "Everyone, are your preparations complete? We're set to enter in no time!" Iida said, and it certainly didn't help with my anxiousness. 

"Midoriya" I turned my head when I heard that voice. It was Shouto's. "On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of strength." What was he trying to say? "You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right? I feel no need to pry into that, but... I'm going to beat you." He was serious right now, and he seemed somehow vexed...

"Is this a declaration of war from the strongest kid in the class?!" "Oi, oi, oi! What's with you all of a sudden? Don't spring this on him right before.." Kirishima said nudging his arm, action which he rejected forcefully.

"I'm not here to play nice and make friends or whatever" He said spitefully.

I remembered him saying that on the first day we met, along with those cold eyes that he was wearing except that there was hatred in them now. Damn, it feels like we are back at square one again, and it hurts to see him like that. "Shouto... what the hell happened to you in these two days...?" I muttered to myself. I'll ask him later...

Two days before, after the training with (Y/N)

Shouto's POV

After my spar with (Y/N), I was worried that I've strained her too much seeing that she was red, but when she said it was fine and not to worry, we both went to our homes. A small smile crept to my face when I remembered her stuttering, it was kind of cute.

When I reached home, I saw my father standing there with his arms crossed like always and I decided to ignore him, not wanting my mood to go sour.

"Shouto" I stopped on my tracks, hearing what he had to say.  "You have been behaving different lately. You have changed, I see you more relaxed and happy."

"So?" I answered him annoyed and he sighed.

"Do you think it is time for you to behave like this? Jeez, you are like your mother sometimes." I twitched and I glared at him, his flames intensifying as well as my anger. "The most important event in your life is in two days Shouto, TWO DAYS. Being sentimental won't get you anywhere, so whatever it is that is making you behave like this, shove it off because you won't beat All Might like this. You are going to train with me these remaining time."

And thus, the hellish training began. 

Back at the day of UA's sports event

(Y/N)'s POV

"I'M GONNA PLACE FIRST. You'll all make fantastic stepping stones, I'm sure." I mentally facepalmed at what Bakugou said. Did he really have to act that way?? I rolled my eyes.

"Now let's start for once and for all our first event! Onto the preliminaries, this year the very first game will be... AN OBSTACLE RACE!!"


We got on our positions and as soon as the countdown was over, we raced. Luckily, I wasn't too far from the front when we began, so it gave me a huge advantage when entering the narrow gate. But this was only the start. Knowing my classmates they'll soon begin to use their quirks to their advantage and I couldn't afford to get distracted. So I smirked when I saw the wave of ice coming towards us.

I jumped off when it was close enough and I took it to my advantage as I skid on the ice. In a blink of an eye I was already behind Shouto and Mineta, when suddenly something hit Mineta when he was about to attack Shouto. It was the zero point robot, and there were bunch of them! Shouto froze them in one swift movement and I have to admit he looked sorta cool...

Everyone thought that they were saved, but that wasn't it. "I wouldn't get close to them if I were you. I froze them when they were unbalanced. They'll fall." Of course it wouldn't have been that easy, now could it Shouto? I snickered because that was very like him.

Without wasting more time, I headed towards them. It wasn't our first time against them and we had already faced villains not long ago, so we weren't as afraid of these robots as we were then. I ran and made the robots that were in my way turn to others that were in my field of view, making them their problem. Like that, I soon reached the second stage.

"W-What the hell?" I was in front of a bottomless pit. Do they actually want us to die?? At least they gave us some ropes... I rapidly grabbed the shortest rope and made my way to the other side while I made the other's swing and unstable to slow them down. As for the ones in the sky I may or may have not messed up with them a little, hehe. 

Finally, I reached the third obstacle: a minefield. Shit, there's more people than I thought there would be. I made the mines explode for the people that were in front of me. Most of them fell, but there were a few who have dodged them. I couldn't afford to use anymore my quirk as I was nearing my limit from using it too much on large groups, and that meant that soon bad things would happen to me. I had to hurry up.

I ran as fast as I could. I heard a loud explotion coming from behind but I didn't care. At any moment now I could be losing because of the latter effects of my quirk. So I ran and ran until I finally saw the finishing line under my feet.

"I DID IT! I FINIS- UMPH!!" I tripped and when I landed I travelled over one meter, face burried on the floor because of the speed I was running at. It hurt a lot, but I was so glad I had finished! The results were announced and I ended up being number 8, not bad at all! But it was a shocker for Deku to end first. And second... Shouto. He looked angry at himself....

"Now it's time for the second game! The cavalry battle!"

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