A/N: Guys, this chapter is not necessarily important to understand the story. It just focuses on the training (Y/N) had.
As our character was weak, I wanted to make her stronger so here's the training she had. Meaning there's no Shouto here, sorry. Though I guess it's good news for the ones that like AoT. Also, this chapter is way longer than usual.
_________________________________I was now in front of his office and I knocked on his door. "Name and bussiness" "(Y/N), I came to talk." I waited for an answer for what felt like an eternity and I was startled when the door was swung open. He glared at me but he eventually returned to his seat, giving his attention to some documents. "I thought I told you that you can't come back." I fidgeted with my fingers to avoid looking at him. I didn't exactly have a plan on how to persuade him. "If you have nothing to say, then get out of here brat."
I knitted my brows and clenched my fists. I don't want to give up and go like last time. So instead, I bowed deeply and said, almost pleading, "I'm sorry. I was wrong to have left like that. I was frustrated because I wasn't making any progress, but I should have done better than complain if I want to be a pro hero. But it won't happen again as I will do my best if you let me! So please, let me train here once again!" I didn't dare to get out of my bowing position, and I closed my eyes tightly waiting for an answer.
"You've already made your decision that time. Things won't change just because you plead." I bitterly opened my eyes as I heard his answer. "I understand... Then I'll be going sir." I turned around and opened the door to get out, but he started again "But, I'll make an exception if you can manage to make a single scratch on me." My eyes glowed as I heard his challenge and I quickly turned my head to look at him, as a happy expression took over my face. "REALLY??" "Tch, go to the training room now. I'll be there in a moment." "YES SIR!"
I rapidly got there and warmed myself up before the battle. He came five minutes after and without warning he tackled me to the floor. "W-What?? That's not fair!" "You are supposed to be alert at all times. You don't wait for your opponent to get ready." I groaned as the way he locked my arms hurt, so I got him off me with a force field. He quickly steadied himself with a graceful backflip and got into fighting position, only to jab again. I protected my body with my arms until I saw an opening and proceeded to punch him when he suddenly kicked my side and I kneeled in pain grabbing the place he hurt. "Are you sure you are even trying?" He said unfazed and I glared at him and did a double kick to his ankles while on the floor, and he stumbled a bit. I used the opportunity to launch a blow to his face, but he quickly kicked my chest and I grunted in pain as he regained his footing. He quickly dashed to me and I forcefully made him fly to the opposite direction as I didn't have time to get up.
He landed safely and said "Hmph, I see you are using your quirk now. Well then, I'll use mine too." I widened my eyes when something squirted out of his hand to my direction. I quickly avoided it and saw that the place that was splashed with it got all sparkly clean, but as I was distracted he caught me off guard at that moment throwing it again. When I realized, I tried to deflect it but some of the liquid got on my left leg. It immediately got my skin all shiny and slippery, almost rubberlike, making me unable to walk properly.
Shit, now that I remember, his quirk leaves the victim in a clean and shiny state that is extremely smooth. That is to say, he literally transforms you into a human soap and you can't do anything anymore. (A/N: any resemblance with the Awa Awa No Mi is pure coincidence, cough cough
♪~( ̄ε ̄;) )He kept using his quirk second after second while I continuedly dodged with lots of effort, because if he pours the soapy liquid all over my body, it's over for me. Meanwhile I tried to execute the idea that I came here to talk about, but it was impossible to do as I was attacked every second, and I don't even know if I can pull it off!

Maneko [Shouto Todoroki x Reader]
Fanfic🐱 This book is available in Polish (@_bluef0x) and Italian (@kamisamapotter4ever), thanks to these WONDERFUL people (you can also check them out on my reading lists if you are lazy). THANK YOU SO MUCH for doing this 💖💖💖 [Warning] Light cursing...